Anyway, in my absence I have become a pale, out of shape mess, and I'm also long overdue for a new tat and possible septum piercing. Once I remedy these little issues I'll be shooting once again... if I can find a reliable photographer, that is. Of the four that I've worked with thus far, I have been able to see three of the full sets, have the actual full-sized shots of two of them, have only submitted one of them, and none are edited. So... yeeeeaaaaaah I've been having a little trouble. If anyone happens to have worked with anyone reliable in the mid-Michigan area, please give me a pointer. Oh, but I have to start getting more than 13 hours a week at minimum wage. I normally just buy a hollow needle and do my own shit but I feel like I can fuck up a septum piercing in approximately one bajillion different ways, so I'm gonna go to a shop. Don't get me started on the benjaminz i be spendidin on dat tat (see I should replace Soulja Boy ^_^ i heard on the intrawebz that he was in gay porn, confirmations?)
Also... mothafuckin DEMF??!?!?!?!?!?!? Detroit Electronic Music Festival this weekend. Anyone going? I will be there EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!! kjhKJHKJHkhkjhkjh ifuckinglovedemf.
So... hopefullay new shiiiiiiiit from me soon, with only one summer class and reentrance into the workforce like a responsible no-longer-18-year-old (woot, $7.50/hr to stare at fish and kill aiptasia with my little syringe filled with white hydroxide death >:]). however, things often distract, especially when one lives in a massive house with 20 other inhabitants and no rules against drinking/smoking/tripping/drawing on the walls. i also got a tiny, super-cuddly Siamese kitten from a random senile-ish but still very nice old lady in Flint area. He. Is. ADORABLE. But don't take my word for it. Take a look a my liddle baby Frankie :3. Only if you can handle the "aawwwwwwww" factor, however.
Don't be fooled though. He is a fucking NINJA. He doesn't really understand his limbs and weight of his head yet, but what he lacks in skill he makes up for in enthusiasm. He has recently conquered the stairs.
But yeah. Bahhhh I'll stop rambling about myself for the time being. I know everyone's always like "BLAH BLAH BLAHHHH YOOOUUUURRR PROBLEMS! GET OVER YOURSELF ALREADY BITCH!" and then I typically fall silent and sob brokenly into the cold, cobweb-filled corner while fingers are pointed at me in an accusatory manor.
Did I mention that I got flip-flops from payless that are entirely gold lam? God I love the color gold so much... I am a gold gaudy bitch (say my gay friends). I think I may do an entirely gold themed set in the near future.
Damn... sorry that shit was so long. I'm fucking super stoned, and recently diagnosed with ADHD (oh god no, not another college kid with Adderall). So I'm gonna go make taquitos.
Hasta luego!
I suggest you have a gaudy golden-themed photo shoot.