Gettin' started...
First Login @SG and already blown away.. I should have actually be learing for the upcoming exams next week, but the rainy weather, the upcoming memories of last night's DEVASTATIONS concert and SG along of other things made me not even think about working the books.
YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!... The Devastations!!! What an amazing band, pure melancolic sound for the soul.. I've seen 2 of their 3 gigs in switzerland and both we're great, but totally different.. but the one yesterday in Bern was awesome!
Read what is written on the inlet of the 7" Single I bought yesterday:
"The Devastations are: the sound of a meteor cooling in the cut grass; the clash of a terrible beauty"..
My advice - go an get this Music.
The Band

First Login @SG and already blown away.. I should have actually be learing for the upcoming exams next week, but the rainy weather, the upcoming memories of last night's DEVASTATIONS concert and SG along of other things made me not even think about working the books.
YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!... The Devastations!!! What an amazing band, pure melancolic sound for the soul.. I've seen 2 of their 3 gigs in switzerland and both we're great, but totally different.. but the one yesterday in Bern was awesome!
Read what is written on the inlet of the 7" Single I bought yesterday:
"The Devastations are: the sound of a meteor cooling in the cut grass; the clash of a terrible beauty"..
My advice - go an get this Music.
The Band

Dont talk to me about tolerancy. Dont tell me what my personal opinion or prefrence should be either. Theres simply nothing in europe for me, I'd rather go to Japan or Australia is all.
No I've never been to europe. Uhm well I think that its merely an obvious topic, why wouldnt one be tolerant ? Point in fact I dislike the fact that its called tolernace or acceptance, shouldnt have to tolerate or accept someone because their different. Their just fuckin different lol whats the big deal ?