I sit here writing watching the camp fire burn. I am like the wood, I burn with struggle, burn with love, burn with desire, with want and just as I feel I have reached a fevered pitch and the warmth is consuming me it fades and goes out eventually. All Im left is ash. I am the wood, I am the ash but they are not the same, one can not be the other there is no way to be both, each has its place and in the fire of life wood becomes ash but I can not burn long before becoming such.
The tree the ultimate symbol of life so many things can be said of a tree are true of a person, A tree gos through storms and it strengthen roots hold or it would not grow as tall as it could or even if it did a small breeze may blow it down so it is with a person. The storms of life help us achieve our potential yet we all wish to be trees in the Garden of Eden where no storm can reach. Why is it we must suffer to grow, I seen it propose yet not the point.
I lay here on the edge of this lake looking out of my tent at the base of that mountain wondering why I felt it was necessary to take this trip and I think of a book I read or some one else did and told me about it. The bases of my recollection is that this ecologist or psychologist or maybe it was a sociologist yeah I think that was it. Heck maybe the author was all three but the theory was that humanity, that people on the whole need nature. That nature is something that is part of the human psyche, not just part of the biological necessity of nature, food, air and such but nature is actually part of a person psychological and sociological makeup. The author had sited a number of studies to back this up but the one I found most interesting was a study that was conducted with inner city teenagers. They would take a group of inner city kids out to spend a weekend or field trips out to some national forest whether it was just for the day or over night or the frequency of these trip I do not recall but then watch these kid grow up for a few years and compared them with other kids from the same geographical area and economic status in such things as education, criminal activity, gangs activity and other such sociological aspects. The teenagers that where exposed to the nature consistently scored better on scholastic test, had a 1/3rd reduction in violent behaviors and arrest. I do understand that there or a number of mitigating factor such as how the children where chosen as Im sure parent approval was required for the trip thus a strong parental influence and other such things that would biases the results although I assume being a research study steps to minimize such things where taken. Waking up in this place looking out over a lake of consciousness and the mountain of realization I understand why I had to make this trip and dont doubt those finding at all. Ive come here to learn compassion, to find connection, I think of Nietzsches uberman and the allegory of being alone naked in the desert and always associated it with finding strength in loneliness, throwing off any social shackles the world has put on you as it very well may be just that but I see the strength in loneliness comes from finding the connection with yourself and the environment around you. Yet as Nietzsche was not himself a nihilist, he understood that nihilism is not the end of the journey only one of the base camps on the way to the summit.
The tree the ultimate symbol of life so many things can be said of a tree are true of a person, A tree gos through storms and it strengthen roots hold or it would not grow as tall as it could or even if it did a small breeze may blow it down so it is with a person. The storms of life help us achieve our potential yet we all wish to be trees in the Garden of Eden where no storm can reach. Why is it we must suffer to grow, I seen it propose yet not the point.
I lay here on the edge of this lake looking out of my tent at the base of that mountain wondering why I felt it was necessary to take this trip and I think of a book I read or some one else did and told me about it. The bases of my recollection is that this ecologist or psychologist or maybe it was a sociologist yeah I think that was it. Heck maybe the author was all three but the theory was that humanity, that people on the whole need nature. That nature is something that is part of the human psyche, not just part of the biological necessity of nature, food, air and such but nature is actually part of a person psychological and sociological makeup. The author had sited a number of studies to back this up but the one I found most interesting was a study that was conducted with inner city teenagers. They would take a group of inner city kids out to spend a weekend or field trips out to some national forest whether it was just for the day or over night or the frequency of these trip I do not recall but then watch these kid grow up for a few years and compared them with other kids from the same geographical area and economic status in such things as education, criminal activity, gangs activity and other such sociological aspects. The teenagers that where exposed to the nature consistently scored better on scholastic test, had a 1/3rd reduction in violent behaviors and arrest. I do understand that there or a number of mitigating factor such as how the children where chosen as Im sure parent approval was required for the trip thus a strong parental influence and other such things that would biases the results although I assume being a research study steps to minimize such things where taken. Waking up in this place looking out over a lake of consciousness and the mountain of realization I understand why I had to make this trip and dont doubt those finding at all. Ive come here to learn compassion, to find connection, I think of Nietzsches uberman and the allegory of being alone naked in the desert and always associated it with finding strength in loneliness, throwing off any social shackles the world has put on you as it very well may be just that but I see the strength in loneliness comes from finding the connection with yourself and the environment around you. Yet as Nietzsche was not himself a nihilist, he understood that nihilism is not the end of the journey only one of the base camps on the way to the summit.