when you hope that nothing is wrong, you know you've stepped out on the edge. the edge creeps up. first there is absolutely nothing. then there is something. as stable as that something may seem, it will decline unless you put energy into it at the right time, and at the right rate of output, and at the right spot of input. this is difficult of course. sometimes you forget what it is that you are doing at all. thats ok. lets yourself forget. this is where trust comes in. trust yourself, and then, when you forget, which will inevitably happen, that thing you are working on will be handled by a much more powerfull entity than your consciousness, your unconcscious self. eventually you will remember and as this thing you are doing, in its totality, is brought back into your conscious awareness, you will realize that it is repeating, but on a new level. repetition, of course, may not be exactly the right word here. it may be that it isn't repeating but adhearing to a system. a system of energy input/output that is very efficient and appropriate.. but don't take my word for it, try it.
Maybe I will try it.
ok so i was tripping out cause i seen your min photo on MM but i could not remember where it i had seen it from... anyhow so how you been