So, what am I scared of? Failure? Every failure, every rejection is simply rock marking the path you should be on. Blocking you from getting lost in the wilderness, like the forestry department lining the trail with boulders and tree limbs to show you the way Each failure, each misstep in your life I should be thankful for. Each time you cross one as you...
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Today (2006) I met up with a couple from Germany who where headed to (.) which I was too un-benounced to me. I have a general direction of heading towards Mt. Kalish the mountain seat of Shiva in the Hindu religion but Ive definitely not been taking the most direct rout. The couple Ferdy and Aldona spoke a little English and even more Tibetan but...
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Happy birthday!

Im constantly running I realize, distracting myself from what Im afraid is a sad truth. Thats why I like film so much. A good film keeps me from thinking yet a really good film makes me think but not about whatever it is Im running from but a great film makes me think about just what Im running from but from outside the context of...
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Frankensteins monster went to the artic when his creator denied him companionship. I guess I should count my self lucky its not that cold even if it feels such some nights. Ive always identified with Franks monster and Ill bet youve got more in common than you think. Whether you equate the monster to some biblical story of Adam or maybe Satan him self in...
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he was a lovely figure....i loved him...

Once on a few tabs of acid as a teenager I realized how our solar system was so similar to the diagrams of an atom in science class yet the planets circled the sun in a set orbit where as the electrons and neurons seem to circle in any thing but however Ill bet if you sped up the set orbits of our solar system...
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are you still in ladakh?
Life sucks! And thats the absolute of it, so instinctually we just try to avoid it but if you do avoid it that just makes the time you cant even more unbearable. Yes it would be great to just search for moments of bliss spend your life on some heroin induced cloud but then when your not the pain is only equaled the bliss you...
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I sit here writing watching the camp fire burn. I am like the wood, I burn with struggle, burn with love, burn with desire, with want and just as I feel I have reached a fevered pitch and the warmth is consuming me it fades and goes out eventually. All Im left is ash. I am the wood, I am the ash but they are...
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Yester day I started out for Mt.Kailash....
Today as I spent trudging up this icy and snow covered path my thoughts drifted to the horror of my life that is just too much, as this road is too hard to climb and my own insignificance in this world, looking back on the abyss of time the thousands of people who have walked this pass, the...
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Today as I spent trudging up this icy and snow covered path my thoughts drifted to the horror of my life that is just too much, as this road is too hard to climb and my own insignificance in this world, looking back on the abyss of time the thousands of people who have walked this pass, the...
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Out of the wild and in to the wilderness
I have spent a few days now wondering around Lhasa looking at the beautiful temples listening to the monks chant in the mornings. Although at first I felt it very hard to breathe, the beauty of the area, the silence of the monasteries is literally suffocating. Yes literally I dont mean some metaphorical silence is like...
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I have spent a few days now wondering around Lhasa looking at the beautiful temples listening to the monks chant in the mornings. Although at first I felt it very hard to breathe, the beauty of the area, the silence of the monasteries is literally suffocating. Yes literally I dont mean some metaphorical silence is like...
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On the Run to Enlightenment
I have debated over and over in my head when to start this and I suppose now is good a time as any. Writing as I sit here on a plane knowing that in just over 30 days a warrant will be issued for my arrest and hoping that the long arm of the Nevada state judicial system wont bother...
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I have debated over and over in my head when to start this and I suppose now is good a time as any. Writing as I sit here on a plane knowing that in just over 30 days a warrant will be issued for my arrest and hoping that the long arm of the Nevada state judicial system wont bother...
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Could a better view be simply a figment? Maybe something they all tell us in stories and books. Live your dreams? Create your dreams? Seeing more sense in that statement.. Using your body to create a sequence or better yet a dream. Alone, in a gaping subconsious hole. Staring off into space, are you awake or asleep? Usually it doesn't matter.
"A make you or break you town" fuck that song it's depressing.. because it's so true. However the act of breaking.. isn't really so foreign or surprising. It's almost a second nature. Break, control, rebuild, regain, BREAK. A cycle of truth and will becomes expected. I hate to be redundent.. but I hate to be redundent.
fuck that town fuck the people in that town they're disconnected. american psychos
I too am weary of chasing the carrot on the stick, not even for a dream, but mainly for a feeling of connection and life. i suppose starting with myself.
showing no signs of ceasing, this is the cycle.
saved this, it was quite interesting to me
"A make you or break you town" fuck that song it's depressing.. because it's so true. However the act of breaking.. isn't really so foreign or surprising. It's almost a second nature. Break, control, rebuild, regain, BREAK. A cycle of truth and will becomes expected. I hate to be redundent.. but I hate to be redundent.
fuck that town fuck the people in that town they're disconnected. american psychos

I too am weary of chasing the carrot on the stick, not even for a dream, but mainly for a feeling of connection and life. i suppose starting with myself.
showing no signs of ceasing, this is the cycle.
saved this, it was quite interesting to me