Hi guys, hope everyone is well! Sorry for my scarcity of late, but things have been a little crazy here. Don't think I've forgotten you, I've just had a lot going on. I'll give you guys the brief version of what's happened in the last couple of weeks:
Me and Jeremy started fighing alot. . .
We ended up breaking up, it was only for 2 days, but that's a first for us. . .
We got back together but decided to change alot of our old habits, including the amount of time we spend together. . .
I've been spending more time at my house, which Diesel loves : ). . .
We don't see each other as much, so when we do, we are more focused on each other. . .
We still get into stupid fights, mostly my fault because I'm very sensitive where he's concerned. Call me a princess, but I like to feel wanted and needed!. . .
But all in all I think things are working out for the best. The two days we were split made both of us realize how much we mean to each other, so in the end two days of hell was a pretty good trade.
Other than that, work blows as usual. Wouldn't mind finding a new job, but the money is fairly good where I am. I always get this way during the summertime, longing for change and adventure! Again, I hope everyone has been well. Love you guys!
Me and Jeremy started fighing alot. . .
We ended up breaking up, it was only for 2 days, but that's a first for us. . .
We got back together but decided to change alot of our old habits, including the amount of time we spend together. . .
I've been spending more time at my house, which Diesel loves : ). . .
We don't see each other as much, so when we do, we are more focused on each other. . .
We still get into stupid fights, mostly my fault because I'm very sensitive where he's concerned. Call me a princess, but I like to feel wanted and needed!. . .
But all in all I think things are working out for the best. The two days we were split made both of us realize how much we mean to each other, so in the end two days of hell was a pretty good trade.
Other than that, work blows as usual. Wouldn't mind finding a new job, but the money is fairly good where I am. I always get this way during the summertime, longing for change and adventure! Again, I hope everyone has been well. Love you guys!

sorry work blows and you're having shitty shitty fighty-badness. it'll all work out for the best.