So I broke down and bought a laptop. Since I already have a desktop for games, a linux server for other stuff, I decided to give a Mac a try. So far I am liking it though it will take a long time to get used to only having one mouse button.
Tomorrow I start my four days of work. I am so thankful that I will have three days off at the end of this week. I need it.
But I can't complain too much, I leave for Belgium next Sunday for four days then back here for ten days of vacation.
Tomorrow I start my four days of work. I am so thankful that I will have three days off at the end of this week. I need it.
But I can't complain too much, I leave for Belgium next Sunday for four days then back here for ten days of vacation.
If I were better with computers, I would probab;y get a mac, but I like my user friendly POS for now.
how you've been??
ive missed you