in my dreams as i lay down my head
your voice rings in my ears
i reach for you knowing you are not there
but hoping none the less
it is so hard to be away from you
when you are so close in my heart
if i could simply hold you
things would make so much sense
but instead i am left with only memories
they play like a movie inside my mind
but I can not hold a movie
only see and hear
but never take part
no matter how much i replay the movie
you dont hear me when i call your name
you dont feel me when i reach for you
you dont see me when you look my way
you dont do anything but let the movie play
your voice rings in my ears
i reach for you knowing you are not there
but hoping none the less
it is so hard to be away from you
when you are so close in my heart
if i could simply hold you
things would make so much sense
but instead i am left with only memories
they play like a movie inside my mind
but I can not hold a movie
only see and hear
but never take part
no matter how much i replay the movie
you dont hear me when i call your name
you dont feel me when i reach for you
you dont see me when you look my way
you dont do anything but let the movie play