Since it is around Halloween, I thought I would share some of the darker poetry I have written over the years. Don't worry most of it was written a long time ago when things weren't going so well in my life. I'm much better now.
there are times when things just do not seem right any more
times when nothing you try helps to relieve you mind
these are the times when they come to me
my suicide dreams
they call to me from the dark recess of corner of my mind
they hide there waiting for just the right moment
to reach out and sink their claws into me
my suicide dreams
i scream and kick at them but they won't let go
they drag me into their world of pain and suffering
it is in that place they make me a king of
my suicide dreams
it is not an honor that i wish to have
i want nothing more than to run from the beast i rule
but nothing i try will ever free me of
my suicide dreams
they hold me hostage and act like i am one of them
they seem familiar to me though i refuse to admit it
i do not understand why do i not simply walk away from
my suicide dreams
then the realization dawns and the answer becomes clear
there is no running from them no place to hide
for when sanity is lost to me i become
my suicide dreams
i run to them for comfort to escape my life
i always know that they will never let me down
i hold on to them tightly knowing that i can count on
my suicide dreams
they keep me safe from the realities around me
shielding me from things that i do not want to see
and no matter what happens no one can take away
my suicide dreams
is it sick or morbid to rely on them so much
maybe but no worse than any alcohol or drug
for in the end when everyone is gone i still have
my suicide dreams
people come and people go in my life that will never change
some stay for longer than others but many leave quickly
but no matter how many stay always by my side are
my suicide dreams
will i ever fully give into them i can not say
will they ever engulf me and drown me in their world
when i can not take it any more i just may listen to
my suicide dreams

there are times when things just do not seem right any more
times when nothing you try helps to relieve you mind
these are the times when they come to me
my suicide dreams
they call to me from the dark recess of corner of my mind
they hide there waiting for just the right moment
to reach out and sink their claws into me
my suicide dreams
i scream and kick at them but they won't let go
they drag me into their world of pain and suffering
it is in that place they make me a king of
my suicide dreams
it is not an honor that i wish to have
i want nothing more than to run from the beast i rule
but nothing i try will ever free me of
my suicide dreams
they hold me hostage and act like i am one of them
they seem familiar to me though i refuse to admit it
i do not understand why do i not simply walk away from
my suicide dreams
then the realization dawns and the answer becomes clear
there is no running from them no place to hide
for when sanity is lost to me i become
my suicide dreams
i run to them for comfort to escape my life
i always know that they will never let me down
i hold on to them tightly knowing that i can count on
my suicide dreams
they keep me safe from the realities around me
shielding me from things that i do not want to see
and no matter what happens no one can take away
my suicide dreams
is it sick or morbid to rely on them so much
maybe but no worse than any alcohol or drug
for in the end when everyone is gone i still have
my suicide dreams
people come and people go in my life that will never change
some stay for longer than others but many leave quickly
but no matter how many stay always by my side are
my suicide dreams
will i ever fully give into them i can not say
will they ever engulf me and drown me in their world
when i can not take it any more i just may listen to
my suicide dreams