Happy Friday the 13th everyone.
699 years ago (October 13, 1307 - thought to be a Friday) the Knights Templar were betrayed by then Pope Clement V and King Phillip IV (the Fair) of France. They were charged with heresy. They were tortured into confessing of their sins and the leadership was burned at the stake. This is where the beginnings of Friday the 13th being unlucky are thought to have started.
Friday is thought to simply be when bad things happen. Geoffrey Chaucer wrote "And on Friday fell all the mischance".
The number 13 is thought to be unlucky based on the Last Supper of Christ (Christ and the 12 apostles were in session) and on a Norse legend of Loki crashing the banquest of 12 Norse revelers in Valhalla.
The combination of two unlucky events, Friday and the number 13, is thought to only increase the chances of a misfortune happening. If you are one who believes this to the point of not wanting to leave your house on a Friday the 13th then you suffer from Paraskevidekatriaphobia (the fear of Friday the 13th).
The Mayans believe that ther world will end Friday October 13, 4772.
This educational moment has been brought to you by the letter F and the number 13.
699 years ago (October 13, 1307 - thought to be a Friday) the Knights Templar were betrayed by then Pope Clement V and King Phillip IV (the Fair) of France. They were charged with heresy. They were tortured into confessing of their sins and the leadership was burned at the stake. This is where the beginnings of Friday the 13th being unlucky are thought to have started.
Friday is thought to simply be when bad things happen. Geoffrey Chaucer wrote "And on Friday fell all the mischance".
The number 13 is thought to be unlucky based on the Last Supper of Christ (Christ and the 12 apostles were in session) and on a Norse legend of Loki crashing the banquest of 12 Norse revelers in Valhalla.
The combination of two unlucky events, Friday and the number 13, is thought to only increase the chances of a misfortune happening. If you are one who believes this to the point of not wanting to leave your house on a Friday the 13th then you suffer from Paraskevidekatriaphobia (the fear of Friday the 13th).
The Mayans believe that ther world will end Friday October 13, 4772.
This educational moment has been brought to you by the letter F and the number 13.
then again, i suppose i could have actually looked it up!