Sorry for the lack of updates, the past few days have been a whirlwind of fun and excitement. I had my phone interview with the company on Thursday, was immediately scheduled for my face-to-face on Friday, did my human resources interview on Monday, filled out all of my application paperwork and mailed it back in on Monday afternoon, and was called on Tuesday morning and offered the job, accepted the job offer, and turned in my notice to my current boss Tuesday afternoon. I am now awaiting my official offer letter which should get here this morning by way of FedEx for me to sign and then mail back this afternoon. Whew! I'm tired now.
My manager was rather upset with my leaving, mainly because I am one of the most knowledgable and hardest working individuals he has. My director was...I don't know what he was exactly. Dismissive I guess would be the best word I think. During the conversation he basically wanted me to start ratting out my co-workers for things that they were doing against company policy. There are a couple of things that I will most likely point out mainly because I was annoyed by them, but I will not name names.
The one thing that is really going to suck is the couple of people that I am leaving behind. I know my taking off is fucking them over, but I am hoping that it will only serve to motivate them to get the hell out of there. It is such an unhealthy environment. I feel amazingly better than I have for a while just knowing that I am not going to be there in a few days (5 more left and yes I am counting). Another thing that is bad is that I am going to have a three month stretch where I will not have medical coverage. I was going to extend the coverage I have right now, but it is really expensive to do so. Will just have to work very hard at not getting sick during that time.
I wish I had the entire holiday weekend off, but I am being forced to work Sunday and Monday. At least I have Friday and Saturday. I am going to attempt to go to the zoo again (I want to see the otters), but we shall see. Mainly because it is going to be packed there this weekend (holiday weekend, a lot of kids just getting out of school, etc).
Sometime the weekend I will be going to see X-Men. Oh and speaking of geeky, nerd, type stuff I was floored to find out that the launched a 6 comic series of my all time favorite character Moon Knight (yes I know that he is a cheap Batman knock off, but I still like him), and that the series may end up restarting the comic as it has been hard for most shops to keep issue #1 & #2 on the shelves for very long. I was able to find issue #1 (both the normal and penciled covers) and am loving it so far.
Anyway that is all for now kiddies.
Sorry for the lack of updates, the past few days have been a whirlwind of fun and excitement. I had my phone interview with the company on Thursday, was immediately scheduled for my face-to-face on Friday, did my human resources interview on Monday, filled out all of my application paperwork and mailed it back in on Monday afternoon, and was called on Tuesday morning and offered the job, accepted the job offer, and turned in my notice to my current boss Tuesday afternoon. I am now awaiting my official offer letter which should get here this morning by way of FedEx for me to sign and then mail back this afternoon. Whew! I'm tired now.
My manager was rather upset with my leaving, mainly because I am one of the most knowledgable and hardest working individuals he has. My director was...I don't know what he was exactly. Dismissive I guess would be the best word I think. During the conversation he basically wanted me to start ratting out my co-workers for things that they were doing against company policy. There are a couple of things that I will most likely point out mainly because I was annoyed by them, but I will not name names.
The one thing that is really going to suck is the couple of people that I am leaving behind. I know my taking off is fucking them over, but I am hoping that it will only serve to motivate them to get the hell out of there. It is such an unhealthy environment. I feel amazingly better than I have for a while just knowing that I am not going to be there in a few days (5 more left and yes I am counting). Another thing that is bad is that I am going to have a three month stretch where I will not have medical coverage. I was going to extend the coverage I have right now, but it is really expensive to do so. Will just have to work very hard at not getting sick during that time.

I wish I had the entire holiday weekend off, but I am being forced to work Sunday and Monday. At least I have Friday and Saturday. I am going to attempt to go to the zoo again (I want to see the otters), but we shall see. Mainly because it is going to be packed there this weekend (holiday weekend, a lot of kids just getting out of school, etc).
Sometime the weekend I will be going to see X-Men. Oh and speaking of geeky, nerd, type stuff I was floored to find out that the launched a 6 comic series of my all time favorite character Moon Knight (yes I know that he is a cheap Batman knock off, but I still like him), and that the series may end up restarting the comic as it has been hard for most shops to keep issue #1 & #2 on the shelves for very long. I was able to find issue #1 (both the normal and penciled covers) and am loving it so far.
Anyway that is all for now kiddies.
I ♥ your favorite books list!!
I officially need you to be on my friends list. Please?