So, I overslept today, and I called in to tell them I would be coming in, and it turns out that the company has a new policy where if a person is a couple of minutes late, they turn you around and tell you to go home. This way you get to work out whatever your problem is, and maybe you'll come in on time the next day.
this means, that I am off today. It's funny, when I don't want to go, I can't get out of work. And when I actually want to work, I don't get to. WTF?!?
So now I'm at home, depressed about not going to work, and pretty much feeling like
. At this rate, they are so not going to hire me back. I have three months to improve, before my contract runs out. So wish me luck in turning things around.
this means, that I am off today. It's funny, when I don't want to go, I can't get out of work. And when I actually want to work, I don't get to. WTF?!?
So now I'm at home, depressed about not going to work, and pretty much feeling like

Luck is definitely wished. Hang in there and shake today off; don't let worrying about it affect tomorrow. (And, yeah, I know it's easier said than done...)
Listen to grayness!