Lately I've been tired. I've been dealing with an assortment of nagging physical injuries, but I badly want to avoid sitting around for a week or two to heal completely. Although, if I must than I must. The latest has been the worst one in a while though as I've strained my hamstring. I've never had a hamstring injury before. It's an interesting sensation to say the least, as you are in full sprint one second and then when your leg tightens, you have have to stop in as few steps as possible.
Whenever I get some nagging but minor injury, I thank my lucky stars that it is minor. In this case, I'm glad it's only a strain of my hamstring and not some large tear or pull.
Getting older is full of sobering realizations. When I was young I'd run up and down the court or all over the field for 5, 6 hours and I could fight through any minor pains or injuries. As I age the injuries feel slightly more severe than a rolling of the ankle or a few finger jams. Stubborn as I may be, I am starting to learn that I have to be a little more careful and that sometimes it's better to sit a few out.
Softball season is over, my team finished in 2nd place. That's really not bad considering we lost our first 3 games quite badly to start the season. I guess my basketball teams' season starts pretty soon, so I gotta get back on the court as soon as possible to prepare for it, or whenever my legs will allow me.
I really enjoyed softball because it was coed and the games were always fun and relaxed. There wasn't a lot of edge to the games. Basketball will be with only guys and it will be more macho and more intense. I've always liked competing. I've always liked it but I feel like I've developed a good prespective on it. I don't take losing a game as hard as I did 5 years ago, and bad performances are usually gone in a few minutes instead of hours.
These athletic endeavors are about all I allow myself to think about lately when I'm not thinking about New Orleans and the thousands who have died. All week whenever something disappointing occurs, my mind drifts to the plight of those who lost nearly everything and then my troubles seem insignificant.
It thrills my heart to know the rest of the planet is helping us so much. I certainly expected some of our "friends" across the globe to offer help and they have, but the enormous amounts of cash and help nations have given has really surprised me. Nations that are struggling to survive themselves have offered financial and physical aid. Also somewhat surprisingly our stubborn leadership is accepting it. I thought that maybe ego would get in the way of getting the additional help that we really need since we often play the role of the rich dad, but the Bush has actually been reasonable.
I am wrapping up what was a 4 day weekend for me feeling kinda despondant and helpless. I fear that we are not considering the effects of global warming too seriously even though an increasing number of potential signs of trouble are out there.
I go back to work tomorrow with a slight limp and without recharged batteries. I just had 4 days off but I'd prefer 4,000. I'll have to check and see how much vacation and sick time I have left, but I won't hold my breath.
I hope everyone had a good holiday weekend. Did you do anything interesting or fun?
Whenever I get some nagging but minor injury, I thank my lucky stars that it is minor. In this case, I'm glad it's only a strain of my hamstring and not some large tear or pull.
Getting older is full of sobering realizations. When I was young I'd run up and down the court or all over the field for 5, 6 hours and I could fight through any minor pains or injuries. As I age the injuries feel slightly more severe than a rolling of the ankle or a few finger jams. Stubborn as I may be, I am starting to learn that I have to be a little more careful and that sometimes it's better to sit a few out.
Softball season is over, my team finished in 2nd place. That's really not bad considering we lost our first 3 games quite badly to start the season. I guess my basketball teams' season starts pretty soon, so I gotta get back on the court as soon as possible to prepare for it, or whenever my legs will allow me.
I really enjoyed softball because it was coed and the games were always fun and relaxed. There wasn't a lot of edge to the games. Basketball will be with only guys and it will be more macho and more intense. I've always liked competing. I've always liked it but I feel like I've developed a good prespective on it. I don't take losing a game as hard as I did 5 years ago, and bad performances are usually gone in a few minutes instead of hours.
These athletic endeavors are about all I allow myself to think about lately when I'm not thinking about New Orleans and the thousands who have died. All week whenever something disappointing occurs, my mind drifts to the plight of those who lost nearly everything and then my troubles seem insignificant.
It thrills my heart to know the rest of the planet is helping us so much. I certainly expected some of our "friends" across the globe to offer help and they have, but the enormous amounts of cash and help nations have given has really surprised me. Nations that are struggling to survive themselves have offered financial and physical aid. Also somewhat surprisingly our stubborn leadership is accepting it. I thought that maybe ego would get in the way of getting the additional help that we really need since we often play the role of the rich dad, but the Bush has actually been reasonable.
I am wrapping up what was a 4 day weekend for me feeling kinda despondant and helpless. I fear that we are not considering the effects of global warming too seriously even though an increasing number of potential signs of trouble are out there.
I go back to work tomorrow with a slight limp and without recharged batteries. I just had 4 days off but I'd prefer 4,000. I'll have to check and see how much vacation and sick time I have left, but I won't hold my breath.
I hope everyone had a good holiday weekend. Did you do anything interesting or fun?