I'm looking out my window and the rain begins to fall. I'm over 1,000 miles away from New Orleans and less than 48 hours after them, I'm getting the smallest fraction of rain that they received from the same weather system. These past few days my thoughts have been with those in the Gulf. Every moment at home I watch CNN or any other channel that will give me information on the welfare of over a million people I've never met. Every chance I get at work I jump to a news website to see if things are improving. I'm hoping to hear that the worst is over, that things weren't as bad as people thought they would be. I'm wishing to hear of a million rescue stories, each one as awe-inspiring as the next.
Instead I hear about rising waters, shootings, widespread looting, car-jackings, bodies floating, people screaming for help and a broken levee. People have fallen down to the bottom of Maslow's hierarchy of needs pyramid. People are in survival mode. They'll fight over food. They'll kill for a working car. It pains me to hear this. In my hunky dory world I wanted desperately to hear of citizens banding together and helping one another... saving one another, and I may still, but right now things look bleak. To say I'm disheartened would be an understatement.
At times like these I look at the bigger picture. I wonder that if there was a God, how could it allow something like this to happen? Was this tragedy of its' doing? What kind of message or lesson is it trying to get across? Is it sleeping on the job? Does it even care? Maybe there is no God after all.
If not God then what? Is this the planet telling us something? There have been so many natural disasters the last few years and they continue to worsen. Is the planet trying to convince us of the potential consequences of our continued abuse? Are we listening?
I don't know why these things happen, I only know that they do. I sincerely hope that no one you know or love has been impacted by this, and if they were, that the impact was as slight as possible. I go out on my porch and feel the rain that came from Katrina and even though my face is wet, my mind is blank. I can't possibly know what many of those people are going through. The only thing I know is that I'm giving as much money as I can to try to help them. I hope some of you will do the same these next few weeks.
Perhaps if they are too overcome by the extreme circumstances they have been given to band together like rational and generous humans, maybe we can band together for them.
Instead I hear about rising waters, shootings, widespread looting, car-jackings, bodies floating, people screaming for help and a broken levee. People have fallen down to the bottom of Maslow's hierarchy of needs pyramid. People are in survival mode. They'll fight over food. They'll kill for a working car. It pains me to hear this. In my hunky dory world I wanted desperately to hear of citizens banding together and helping one another... saving one another, and I may still, but right now things look bleak. To say I'm disheartened would be an understatement.
At times like these I look at the bigger picture. I wonder that if there was a God, how could it allow something like this to happen? Was this tragedy of its' doing? What kind of message or lesson is it trying to get across? Is it sleeping on the job? Does it even care? Maybe there is no God after all.
If not God then what? Is this the planet telling us something? There have been so many natural disasters the last few years and they continue to worsen. Is the planet trying to convince us of the potential consequences of our continued abuse? Are we listening?
I don't know why these things happen, I only know that they do. I sincerely hope that no one you know or love has been impacted by this, and if they were, that the impact was as slight as possible. I go out on my porch and feel the rain that came from Katrina and even though my face is wet, my mind is blank. I can't possibly know what many of those people are going through. The only thing I know is that I'm giving as much money as I can to try to help them. I hope some of you will do the same these next few weeks.
Perhaps if they are too overcome by the extreme circumstances they have been given to band together like rational and generous humans, maybe we can band together for them.


I think the end of the world is near, without sounding weird. You are such a good hearted person