I've been feeling really squirrely lately. I wonder if it's Fall whispering in my ear. Does the change of season ever impact you in such a way? Does the change in the environment, the weather, or amount of daylight make you antsy? This seems to happen to me a handful of times a year. The old routine needs a bit of tweaking. I need a bit of tweaking. I'm itchin to get more active. I think it's time to return to the gym and working out regularly. I think it's time to put the mind into overdrive. I've felt too flat for the last few weeks... perhaps the calm before the storm. Well, I wouldn't call shaking up my routine a little bit a "storm", actually more like a blizzard. The blizzard of Ed is coming! That almost sounds scary right? It's a blizzard of changes on the horizon. Okay, now I don't even know what I'm talking about. To summarize, life is getting dull so I will make a few changes to hopefully revitalize myself.
There that wasn't so hard... and I wonder why sometimes nothing gets done.
One of these days I'm gonna stop babbling and just state the points, you know... how about that day is today:
Rice pudding is good!
I'm gonna start going to the gym again very soon.
I love the colors of the leaves over these next 2 months.
I have softball playoffs and finals on Sunday, I can't wait!
I love fall... I get to utilize more of my wardrobe and it'll be easier for me sleep.
I'm still trying to read too many books... I think I'm reading 18 right now... or at least pretending to.
I'm excited about the new Franz Ferdinand record... they've really grown on me.
I'm gonna buy a mountain of hockey tickets soon.
but first I'll buy more rice pudding.
There. That was much easier than all my silly babble... just the meat, no skin and bones!
There that wasn't so hard... and I wonder why sometimes nothing gets done.
One of these days I'm gonna stop babbling and just state the points, you know... how about that day is today:
Rice pudding is good!
I'm gonna start going to the gym again very soon.
I love the colors of the leaves over these next 2 months.
I have softball playoffs and finals on Sunday, I can't wait!
I love fall... I get to utilize more of my wardrobe and it'll be easier for me sleep.
I'm still trying to read too many books... I think I'm reading 18 right now... or at least pretending to.
I'm excited about the new Franz Ferdinand record... they've really grown on me.
I'm gonna buy a mountain of hockey tickets soon.
but first I'll buy more rice pudding.
There. That was much easier than all my silly babble... just the meat, no skin and bones!

and blizzard of ed would be a marvelous band name.