Can you smell it? No not that, the other thing... that subtle smell underneath the other more obnoxious odors. It's the weekend and it draws closer. I took off for Monday since it's the day after my birthday and I could be in rough shape Monday morning. So it's a 3-day weekend for me and I can't wait! I have a full itinerary for most of it.
Things at work grow a tad worrisome. Many people have had their hours cut due to the company struggling through these summer months. You'd think such a signal would encourage some to work harder, but then you'd be thinking. There's no room for much thought at my job as the slackers rule the day. There's more stupid conversations, childish behavior and lackadaisical attiudes than ever. Thankfully my job doesn't relate much to these other people. I'm still just about as diligent as ever, and that's why my hours are intact. As assistant manager I can tell people to shut up and work, but I have no hiring or more importantly firing power... so consequently no one will really listen to me if I give stern orders. If I had my druthers, I'd fire half the staff because they are ineffective, lazy, unfocused and unmotivated. But I don't have my druthers, or anyone elses' for that matter.
Tomorrow night is the first "football" game of the season. The NFL network is showing a live, sold out scrimmage between my beloved Bills and the Packers. I can't believe I'm gonna watch football tomorrow night. I must throw together some yummy eats and perhaps tomorrow night will mark the grand return of pina colada to my belly.
In closing I want to state for the record that people fascinate me. In a 10 minute stretch the other day I hated humanity, wanted to choke someone, calmed down, felt good about people again, thought optimistically about the wacky humans and then wanted to choke someone again. I went full circle in 10 minutes! and yes, this was at work where if I were paid by the emotion, I'd be rich and happy... when I wasn't there!
But people really fascinate me. Some I can't get away from, and others I'd kill to get next to. Some make me wanna holler, others soothe the savage beast within me. Others I could listen to all day, and some I'd like to tape their mouth shut after placing soap in there. Not because they used dirty language, just because I think that would be fun to do.
So I'm in a weird mood, in between good and bad. I'm no expert, but I think they call this okay. Overjoyed by the looming haven of weekend life and vexed by the lingering specter of full time employment. Feeling strange... what's the medicine: music! What shall it be tonight? perhaps the Cure.
The balance of life is at zero again. Better than negative, but I'd like something to spend for the weekend. Something tells me Friday will bring joy and an emotional payday bringing my balance well above zero... til Tuesday at least.
Things at work grow a tad worrisome. Many people have had their hours cut due to the company struggling through these summer months. You'd think such a signal would encourage some to work harder, but then you'd be thinking. There's no room for much thought at my job as the slackers rule the day. There's more stupid conversations, childish behavior and lackadaisical attiudes than ever. Thankfully my job doesn't relate much to these other people. I'm still just about as diligent as ever, and that's why my hours are intact. As assistant manager I can tell people to shut up and work, but I have no hiring or more importantly firing power... so consequently no one will really listen to me if I give stern orders. If I had my druthers, I'd fire half the staff because they are ineffective, lazy, unfocused and unmotivated. But I don't have my druthers, or anyone elses' for that matter.
Tomorrow night is the first "football" game of the season. The NFL network is showing a live, sold out scrimmage between my beloved Bills and the Packers. I can't believe I'm gonna watch football tomorrow night. I must throw together some yummy eats and perhaps tomorrow night will mark the grand return of pina colada to my belly.
In closing I want to state for the record that people fascinate me. In a 10 minute stretch the other day I hated humanity, wanted to choke someone, calmed down, felt good about people again, thought optimistically about the wacky humans and then wanted to choke someone again. I went full circle in 10 minutes! and yes, this was at work where if I were paid by the emotion, I'd be rich and happy... when I wasn't there!
But people really fascinate me. Some I can't get away from, and others I'd kill to get next to. Some make me wanna holler, others soothe the savage beast within me. Others I could listen to all day, and some I'd like to tape their mouth shut after placing soap in there. Not because they used dirty language, just because I think that would be fun to do.
So I'm in a weird mood, in between good and bad. I'm no expert, but I think they call this okay. Overjoyed by the looming haven of weekend life and vexed by the lingering specter of full time employment. Feeling strange... what's the medicine: music! What shall it be tonight? perhaps the Cure.
The balance of life is at zero again. Better than negative, but I'd like something to spend for the weekend. Something tells me Friday will bring joy and an emotional payday bringing my balance well above zero... til Tuesday at least.

I'll take a pic soon, when I find some batteries for my camera...I promise.

Happy Birthday!