Ever sit at a movie theater and watch a movie for the 1st time that is so wonderful that it completely sweeps you out of reality? You get sucked in as they say. The movie is all that matters. You have no job. You have no curfew. You haven't any bills. There is only the story in front of you. It's true of an exciting new book or an amazing song you're hearing for the first time. I love that sensation. But, I always find it to be a paradox. I don't want the art to end, yet I need to know how it ends. It's then that I feel alive. I'm caught in a mind game. My passions pull me in opposite directions. The allure of both extremes are strong. Their beauty calls to me. To one side is the satisfaction of a completed story and a satisfied mind. On the other is the wonder of right now, which never fails to please. Both sensations are magnificent to me.
With movies I can't decide but fate or something like it always chooses for me. I sit through to the end of the film. I have to know how the story ends. But with books, I've been going the other way. I feel like I have more control. I'm halfway through many fantastic books and then I stop. I'm in there. It feels great, so great I don't want to leave. I can't stop in the middle of a good film. But of course, they are much shorter. I suppose if I were to read a fine 50 page book I wouldn't be able to stop after 30 pages.
Enough about MY travels. Have you ever been between the beginning and end? Have you ever been on a marvelous ride that you can't get off of? Is that love? Is that life? Is that all there is? Sometimes it seems like it's enough.
Ever sit at a movie theater and watch a movie for the 1st time that is so wonderful that it completely sweeps you out of reality? You get sucked in as they say. The movie is all that matters. You have no job. You have no curfew. You haven't any bills. There is only the story in front of you. It's true of an exciting new book or an amazing song you're hearing for the first time. I love that sensation. But, I always find it to be a paradox. I don't want the art to end, yet I need to know how it ends. It's then that I feel alive. I'm caught in a mind game. My passions pull me in opposite directions. The allure of both extremes are strong. Their beauty calls to me. To one side is the satisfaction of a completed story and a satisfied mind. On the other is the wonder of right now, which never fails to please. Both sensations are magnificent to me.
With movies I can't decide but fate or something like it always chooses for me. I sit through to the end of the film. I have to know how the story ends. But with books, I've been going the other way. I feel like I have more control. I'm halfway through many fantastic books and then I stop. I'm in there. It feels great, so great I don't want to leave. I can't stop in the middle of a good film. But of course, they are much shorter. I suppose if I were to read a fine 50 page book I wouldn't be able to stop after 30 pages.
Enough about MY travels. Have you ever been between the beginning and end? Have you ever been on a marvelous ride that you can't get off of? Is that love? Is that life? Is that all there is? Sometimes it seems like it's enough.

i bet you grow hair really quickly too, don't you? grrrrr. i wish i could just snap my fingers and make it grow. i bet yrs looks very lovely.
chai - the smell is amazing!! so glad you tried it at least. if you didn't like the flavor so much, i wonder if it was too weak. its only good when its REALLY kick ass strong. perhaps you need some really awesome freshly ground spice chai. mmmmm.
i love movie hyperspace. indeed.