No time for coherent thought so this update blog is coming in pieces:
-Big love to Morgan Freeman, I hope he recovers fully and continues to make awesome movies.
-I've been at my new apartment for 5 days now. Money is tight, I did get some groceries and supplies so the cupboards aren't bare, but there is still more to be done. If you are an Elmwood Village person, perhaps I'll see you soon.
-My family stuff is getting worked out slowly. My sister is at a shelter for now. She actually stayed with me for a few days at my new apartment when I first moved in, which is partially why money is tight now. I feel like things are slowly moving somewhere. My apartment is too small, my money too tight and my patience is too short to have her stay with me for any extended period, plus it's against my lease.
-My birthday is Thursday. I am going to the Bisons afternoon game with a few friends, should be fun. I will be 34 going on 24, or is it the other way around?
-I had the greatest burger I've had in some time at Gabriel's Gate last week. I'm still thinking about it.
-Glad to see Chef Chris over at Lagniappes is back and they are serving their delicious Po Boys and desserts once again. He had surgery and they closed for about a week if you didn't know.
-Art censorship sucks. Would you tell someone they can't use red in their painting? No 8th notes in their song? No adjectives in their poem? C'mon now.
-I just went to have my first MRI on my injured knee earlier this evening. It was quite an adventure. First that MRI machine makes a ton of noise. Second I'm glad the imaging was for my knee because my whole body didn't have to go into the MRI "tube" thingy. My shoulders were too wide across and if my arms had to go into that thing I would have had to scrunch up a bit and I would have felt like the hot dog pinched inside the bun. Just for your edification, if I were a Hot Dog, I'd be a chili dog.
-Since this MRI is done now I only have to see the doctor one more time to find out definitively what is wrong inside my knee. Is it one torn ligament or two? How about a torn PCL and a damaged meniscus? Hopefully the answers will come and this lawsuit will finally be settled so I can stop saying "I just spoke to my lawyer and he said"
-Did I mention my birthday is Thursday? I'm thinking I really want a cake this year. I've always been a big fan of chocolate cake or devil's food cake but I could also enjoy a yellow, lemon, vanilla, marble, swirl, white or spice cake, if that cake came with chocolate frosting. So if I were a birthday weatherman I'd say that Thursday will be overcast and hazy with a good chance of chocolate, especially in the evening.
-Big love to Morgan Freeman, I hope he recovers fully and continues to make awesome movies.
-I've been at my new apartment for 5 days now. Money is tight, I did get some groceries and supplies so the cupboards aren't bare, but there is still more to be done. If you are an Elmwood Village person, perhaps I'll see you soon.
-My family stuff is getting worked out slowly. My sister is at a shelter for now. She actually stayed with me for a few days at my new apartment when I first moved in, which is partially why money is tight now. I feel like things are slowly moving somewhere. My apartment is too small, my money too tight and my patience is too short to have her stay with me for any extended period, plus it's against my lease.
-My birthday is Thursday. I am going to the Bisons afternoon game with a few friends, should be fun. I will be 34 going on 24, or is it the other way around?
-I had the greatest burger I've had in some time at Gabriel's Gate last week. I'm still thinking about it.
-Glad to see Chef Chris over at Lagniappes is back and they are serving their delicious Po Boys and desserts once again. He had surgery and they closed for about a week if you didn't know.
-Art censorship sucks. Would you tell someone they can't use red in their painting? No 8th notes in their song? No adjectives in their poem? C'mon now.
-I just went to have my first MRI on my injured knee earlier this evening. It was quite an adventure. First that MRI machine makes a ton of noise. Second I'm glad the imaging was for my knee because my whole body didn't have to go into the MRI "tube" thingy. My shoulders were too wide across and if my arms had to go into that thing I would have had to scrunch up a bit and I would have felt like the hot dog pinched inside the bun. Just for your edification, if I were a Hot Dog, I'd be a chili dog.
-Since this MRI is done now I only have to see the doctor one more time to find out definitively what is wrong inside my knee. Is it one torn ligament or two? How about a torn PCL and a damaged meniscus? Hopefully the answers will come and this lawsuit will finally be settled so I can stop saying "I just spoke to my lawyer and he said"
-Did I mention my birthday is Thursday? I'm thinking I really want a cake this year. I've always been a big fan of chocolate cake or devil's food cake but I could also enjoy a yellow, lemon, vanilla, marble, swirl, white or spice cake, if that cake came with chocolate frosting. So if I were a birthday weatherman I'd say that Thursday will be overcast and hazy with a good chance of chocolate, especially in the evening.
for commenting on my new set Black Widow
I appreciate it a lot! That comment of yours made me totally blush
What sort of toppings were on the burger?
Happy Belated Birthday!!