ups and downs (3-12-07)
I noticed it's been a while since I've updated. There have been so many little things happening which add up to one big mess which was this past week. Where to begin? I guess I'll start with the bad stuff, the pain and the anxiety. Last Tuesday I woke up with a stiff neck. It wasn't anything too bad, just mildly annoying. On Wednesday night I went ice skating for the second time. It was very fun but I noticed afterwards that my neck was worse. After considering everything I did on the ice for that past hour it occurred to me when I did what I did. On one of my last laps I was trying to get around the ice faster and faster then suddenly I started to lose my balance and it was very possible my feet were going to kick out from under me forward which would send my back to the ice and perhaps the back of my head too which is a scary thought. I started to tilt backwards losing my balance and I made a decisive thrust forward of my upper body which almost caused me to fall to my knees. The whiplash type of maneuver worked. After a few stumbles forward I regained my balance and continued skating thinking that it was a close call but nothing more.
About an hour after skating I started to notice the sharp pain in the side of my neck going down to just before my shoulder. Needless to say that night was a treat. Every time I tried to do anything with my right arm or even if I moved anything but slowly I felt the shooting pains. I went into work Thursday feeling the sting. I didn't have a neck brace so I wrapped my long scarf around my neck 3 times and tied it very tightly. It helped and looked rather stylish. I woke Friday much improved but not ready to resume my ballroom dancing career just yet. On Saturday I woke up and it was better still but not enough where I could play volleyball, so I had to cancel. Then Sunday I had to cancel basketball. Now I sit here today with my neck at about 80-85 percent. I'm pretty much fine but then every once in a while I'll make a sudden movement or I'll stretch and I'll still feel it a little. Curses!!! I have plans to ice skate again on Wednesday and to start a new jogging program tonight. I shant be held back any longer!!! I hope it doesn't get worse but I can't wait any longer for it to be all better. Yes, I'm nothing more than a stupid manimal.
The next annoyance in my life is my family. Many of you readers out there may have family you care deeply for and that will help you whenever you need it. Maybe your dad will buy you a car, perhaps your mom will pay some of your bills or they'll give you a fistful of cash from time to time to help you out. If that's the case I envy you. My family has always been poor and after my father died it got worse. My father's been dead for 11 years now, but it seems my mom and sister have it harder and harder with each year. This year's been very rough for them. I visit them once a week, buy them dinner and inevitably give my mom some cash. Now I don't make a lot of money, I mean if I didn't live with a friend of mine to split costs, I'd probably be living in a closet apartment. With that said my lease is expiring in 2 and a half months. My friend is leaving the U.S. to study abroad. I don't really have a plan for a place to live yet. This worries me. My mom is practically begging me to share a place with her and my sister but I'm not really wanting to do that. My family drives me crazy. On the other hand I could help my family out more. I could help take care of my mom. I don't know, I guess I'm considering it, but it' definitely not my first choice of what to do, but on the other hand I would have to sacrifice a lot to help them. Sometimes I get frustrated with the situation. Many people I know have family that helps them out and here I am having to help out mine out all the time. Sometimes I curse at the wind, the heavens and fate but make no mistake; I'm always there for them. I mean, it's my family and outside of a few friends they are really all I have. So I have a lot on my mind and a struggling mother constantly in my ear trying to shape my mind.
On the lighter side of things I saw "300" this past weekend. I went to a matinee with 2 friends and once we arrived in the theater I was elated there was hardly anyone there. It's the reason I love matinees. I came in with my friends and then a decision had to be made. I broke off from the group as they wanted to sit way in back. I want to sit way up front. So we split up. I sat up in the 3rd row kicked back and had the row to myself. There was only 1 person in front of me in the next row and he was alone so he wasn't talking. I like to push all the people and noise behind me at the movies. I'm there to suspend my disbelief. I'm there to escape and mind-meld with the screen and the film. Nothing ruins that more than someone talking 2 rows back and taking my focus off of the film. Only once during 300 did I get pulled away. A young couple was talking a row behind me and I gave them the half turn with a fiery glare. I didn't hear them the rest of the movie. My friends who were 40 rows behind told me about the baby crying right near them when it was all over. Oh, and the movie? The movie was excellent. It was well acted, and the visuals were great. You can ask anyone who really knows me, I hate CGI in movies. I'm still haunted by a dancing CGI Yoda from episodes 2 and 3. A Jedi master like Yoda wouldn't feel the need to dance around and do spins and breakdance lightsaber fighting moves. Uh-oh, I've revealed too much dork to you. To summarize, 300 despite being completely filmed in front of blue screen and having all the locations added by Computer Generated Imagery, was a really good film.
The next good thing I have going on is my new jogging program I am starting with my friend. We are going to jog almost everyday, starting off small but slowly building our stamina. I'm really psyched about this because of all the sports I'm looking to play in the very near future. In about 6-8 weeks from now my weekly schedule may contain 3 softball games, 1 football game, 1 volleyball game and perhaps 1 basketball game. I love sports in the spring and summer. Hopefully this jogging program will help to get me ready to roll.
Here are two more quick blurbs of positivity before I go. In 4 weeks I will be doing my annual radio show at WBNY's alumni weekend. Air shifts are being figured out as we speak and very soon I'll know when I'll be on the air again. I'm trying to get the same 10pm Friday night slot I've had the last 2 years. I bought a boombox this past weekend too so I can bring it with me to the show, plug it in and record the show on tape. Then I bring the tape home and feed the audio into my computer and then viola, I'll the show on my computer with the ability to post it online or to make CDs of the show for anyone who wants them.
The other little bit of joy in my life the last few days occurred yesterday. I went to the Laundromat like I do every Sunday and once again the really pretty woman was there. She never wears makeup, she doesn't talk to anyone and she looks really difficult to approach. Plus I can't tell if she's 26 or 36, but she's really pretty. She has light brown hair, blue eyes and glasses. I've seen her there at least 6 times over the last few months. Yesterday we were the only two left in the Laundromat. She put her clothes in the dryer next to mine which I had already started, the other 30 dryers were pretty much full so that wasn't anything special. Anyway the point is we were getting our clothes out of the dryers at the same time and I took the opportunity to crack a joke actually more like an ironic musing. She responded, then I did as well and she had something after that. She had just finished loading her clothes into her bag so she left and wished me a good night. I'm not going to tell all of you that I have a crush on her, or that I'm really interested because I don't know. I know she's pretty and I finally spoke to her. For me, that's more important than anything else because of my shyness. I'm thrilled I finally worked up the nerve to do it. My fears and anxieties can kick my behind sometimes so whenever I can overcome them, it's a big deal to me the fact she is a pretty woman is just a bonus.
Well, that's all I'm giving up for now. Until next time,
I noticed it's been a while since I've updated. There have been so many little things happening which add up to one big mess which was this past week. Where to begin? I guess I'll start with the bad stuff, the pain and the anxiety. Last Tuesday I woke up with a stiff neck. It wasn't anything too bad, just mildly annoying. On Wednesday night I went ice skating for the second time. It was very fun but I noticed afterwards that my neck was worse. After considering everything I did on the ice for that past hour it occurred to me when I did what I did. On one of my last laps I was trying to get around the ice faster and faster then suddenly I started to lose my balance and it was very possible my feet were going to kick out from under me forward which would send my back to the ice and perhaps the back of my head too which is a scary thought. I started to tilt backwards losing my balance and I made a decisive thrust forward of my upper body which almost caused me to fall to my knees. The whiplash type of maneuver worked. After a few stumbles forward I regained my balance and continued skating thinking that it was a close call but nothing more.
About an hour after skating I started to notice the sharp pain in the side of my neck going down to just before my shoulder. Needless to say that night was a treat. Every time I tried to do anything with my right arm or even if I moved anything but slowly I felt the shooting pains. I went into work Thursday feeling the sting. I didn't have a neck brace so I wrapped my long scarf around my neck 3 times and tied it very tightly. It helped and looked rather stylish. I woke Friday much improved but not ready to resume my ballroom dancing career just yet. On Saturday I woke up and it was better still but not enough where I could play volleyball, so I had to cancel. Then Sunday I had to cancel basketball. Now I sit here today with my neck at about 80-85 percent. I'm pretty much fine but then every once in a while I'll make a sudden movement or I'll stretch and I'll still feel it a little. Curses!!! I have plans to ice skate again on Wednesday and to start a new jogging program tonight. I shant be held back any longer!!! I hope it doesn't get worse but I can't wait any longer for it to be all better. Yes, I'm nothing more than a stupid manimal.
The next annoyance in my life is my family. Many of you readers out there may have family you care deeply for and that will help you whenever you need it. Maybe your dad will buy you a car, perhaps your mom will pay some of your bills or they'll give you a fistful of cash from time to time to help you out. If that's the case I envy you. My family has always been poor and after my father died it got worse. My father's been dead for 11 years now, but it seems my mom and sister have it harder and harder with each year. This year's been very rough for them. I visit them once a week, buy them dinner and inevitably give my mom some cash. Now I don't make a lot of money, I mean if I didn't live with a friend of mine to split costs, I'd probably be living in a closet apartment. With that said my lease is expiring in 2 and a half months. My friend is leaving the U.S. to study abroad. I don't really have a plan for a place to live yet. This worries me. My mom is practically begging me to share a place with her and my sister but I'm not really wanting to do that. My family drives me crazy. On the other hand I could help my family out more. I could help take care of my mom. I don't know, I guess I'm considering it, but it' definitely not my first choice of what to do, but on the other hand I would have to sacrifice a lot to help them. Sometimes I get frustrated with the situation. Many people I know have family that helps them out and here I am having to help out mine out all the time. Sometimes I curse at the wind, the heavens and fate but make no mistake; I'm always there for them. I mean, it's my family and outside of a few friends they are really all I have. So I have a lot on my mind and a struggling mother constantly in my ear trying to shape my mind.
On the lighter side of things I saw "300" this past weekend. I went to a matinee with 2 friends and once we arrived in the theater I was elated there was hardly anyone there. It's the reason I love matinees. I came in with my friends and then a decision had to be made. I broke off from the group as they wanted to sit way in back. I want to sit way up front. So we split up. I sat up in the 3rd row kicked back and had the row to myself. There was only 1 person in front of me in the next row and he was alone so he wasn't talking. I like to push all the people and noise behind me at the movies. I'm there to suspend my disbelief. I'm there to escape and mind-meld with the screen and the film. Nothing ruins that more than someone talking 2 rows back and taking my focus off of the film. Only once during 300 did I get pulled away. A young couple was talking a row behind me and I gave them the half turn with a fiery glare. I didn't hear them the rest of the movie. My friends who were 40 rows behind told me about the baby crying right near them when it was all over. Oh, and the movie? The movie was excellent. It was well acted, and the visuals were great. You can ask anyone who really knows me, I hate CGI in movies. I'm still haunted by a dancing CGI Yoda from episodes 2 and 3. A Jedi master like Yoda wouldn't feel the need to dance around and do spins and breakdance lightsaber fighting moves. Uh-oh, I've revealed too much dork to you. To summarize, 300 despite being completely filmed in front of blue screen and having all the locations added by Computer Generated Imagery, was a really good film.
The next good thing I have going on is my new jogging program I am starting with my friend. We are going to jog almost everyday, starting off small but slowly building our stamina. I'm really psyched about this because of all the sports I'm looking to play in the very near future. In about 6-8 weeks from now my weekly schedule may contain 3 softball games, 1 football game, 1 volleyball game and perhaps 1 basketball game. I love sports in the spring and summer. Hopefully this jogging program will help to get me ready to roll.
Here are two more quick blurbs of positivity before I go. In 4 weeks I will be doing my annual radio show at WBNY's alumni weekend. Air shifts are being figured out as we speak and very soon I'll know when I'll be on the air again. I'm trying to get the same 10pm Friday night slot I've had the last 2 years. I bought a boombox this past weekend too so I can bring it with me to the show, plug it in and record the show on tape. Then I bring the tape home and feed the audio into my computer and then viola, I'll the show on my computer with the ability to post it online or to make CDs of the show for anyone who wants them.
The other little bit of joy in my life the last few days occurred yesterday. I went to the Laundromat like I do every Sunday and once again the really pretty woman was there. She never wears makeup, she doesn't talk to anyone and she looks really difficult to approach. Plus I can't tell if she's 26 or 36, but she's really pretty. She has light brown hair, blue eyes and glasses. I've seen her there at least 6 times over the last few months. Yesterday we were the only two left in the Laundromat. She put her clothes in the dryer next to mine which I had already started, the other 30 dryers were pretty much full so that wasn't anything special. Anyway the point is we were getting our clothes out of the dryers at the same time and I took the opportunity to crack a joke actually more like an ironic musing. She responded, then I did as well and she had something after that. She had just finished loading her clothes into her bag so she left and wished me a good night. I'm not going to tell all of you that I have a crush on her, or that I'm really interested because I don't know. I know she's pretty and I finally spoke to her. For me, that's more important than anything else because of my shyness. I'm thrilled I finally worked up the nerve to do it. My fears and anxieties can kick my behind sometimes so whenever I can overcome them, it's a big deal to me the fact she is a pretty woman is just a bonus.
Well, that's all I'm giving up for now. Until next time,

Luv Maligne