Life is cyclical 2-8-07
It is my belief that life is cyclical. We always seem to end up where we began. We always come home. I bet when the wheel was invented it wasn't created to get somewhere. I bet it was invented to get somewhere and then get back home. The circles are everywhere. Some people call it karma, some people call it fate. You know this. You hear people say "what goes around comes around" and dozens of similar clichs. It's the cyclical effect of life. Life balances out. For every high there's a low, for every bit of good luck there's misfortune. Can the circles be broken? I think so, but I also think that for every little circle you break you fail to realize that you broke that little circle while you are spinning around in an even bigger circle. We didn't exist and then we do and one day we won't. The days always come back around to the same place, so do the seasons. The circles are everywhere. Sometimes we are so wrapped up in the folly of daily life that we don't see it. We have the same bad eating habits we can't shake; we keep dating the same type of incompatible people, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. When we break these habits, we simply begin new ones hopefully they are ones that are better for us.
Speaking of bettering ourselves, I think we can really spice up our lives if we are able to utilize pattern recognition and see the patterns, the habits and circles and tweak them every now and then. I'm not saying to stop drinking those 2 coffees every morning, but try something different 1 day a week and make sure it's a conscious decision make sure you know you are taking a turn down a different street that day. Then go back to your comfy coffee the next day. I'm not suggesting you douse yourself with a garden hose of change, just run the sprinkler. All I'm saying is treat yourself to an alternative once in a while. I do it all the time and it makes me smile. I'll change a little thing every now and then and I find I take less for granted because I'm much more aware of what I'm doing. If you just systematically do the same thing or eat the same thing or drink the same thing, you don't even enjoy it after a while. It becomes old hat. So much so that you hardly even realize what you are doing it while you do it. It's almost like you are living your life on auto-pilot. Does this happen to you? Maybe you watch television, a movie, or do something while you eat. Do you sometimes finish the food so quickly you hardly remember eating it? You can't believe it's gone. Sometimes you even consider eating something else because you think you may still be hungry since you hardly remember eating your food. It's all in your mind. Be aware.
It's all of us. This is the year 2007 and in today's advanced civilization so many basic things are overlooked. People sleep less, eat more, and are more stressed than ever despite life supposedly being far easier today than it's ever been. I'd say the biggest change in today's citizen is the distractions we provide ourselves with all the time. We are distracted something fierce. There are a million choices and a million toys. Is it healthy? Are we spoiled? Not a day goes by where I don't see someone drive by with a phone pasted to the side of their head, on some days it seems like almost everyone is doing it. They want to pass a law in New York City banning people from crossing the street while listening to their ipods and talking on their phones because these people are walking into fast moving cars and dying. Some of us need to be detached. I'm not that bad but I'm not immune to it either. I spend hours babbling on IM instead of reading a book. I'll eat my dinner in front of the television and sometimes just inhale it in about 10 minutes but fail to remember or savor a bite, but I'm awake and I'm trying.
I'm trying to break the cycle... not completely though. I'm not going to be unrealistic about it. If I were able to break all the cycles, all the circles, I'd probably go insane. I don't want you to get me wrong here. Circles are not bad in theory. Some predictability in our lives is helpful, even necessary, but a life spent saturated in it can make us passengers on the road of life. It's your life, are you going to let someone else drive? Do you want to go through life on auto-pilot? This is your ride, take the wheel. Drive wherever you want to but stop and look around sometimes. Make yourself stop everything and just breathe and think once in a while. Look both ways before you take a step, reflect on the past day and imagine tomorrow. Stop and think about what you are doing, why you are doing it and other ways you can do it. You don't have to take the same route from breakfast to bedtime every day. Make a plan to change 1 thing a day, no matter how small. Life may be cyclical but just because you are going around in circles, it doesn't mean you can't make some stops and use different roads to get to the same place. Of course I should follow this advice too. I'm trying, but I admit this blog is just as much a reminder for me as it is an opinion for you to marinate on. Now with that in mind, another day ends like the last one did... I'm sleepy. I'll see you around in that circle of life. Get it? Around circle, okay okay I'm sleepy and need to get to bed. You can boo me for that awful pun later.
It is my belief that life is cyclical. We always seem to end up where we began. We always come home. I bet when the wheel was invented it wasn't created to get somewhere. I bet it was invented to get somewhere and then get back home. The circles are everywhere. Some people call it karma, some people call it fate. You know this. You hear people say "what goes around comes around" and dozens of similar clichs. It's the cyclical effect of life. Life balances out. For every high there's a low, for every bit of good luck there's misfortune. Can the circles be broken? I think so, but I also think that for every little circle you break you fail to realize that you broke that little circle while you are spinning around in an even bigger circle. We didn't exist and then we do and one day we won't. The days always come back around to the same place, so do the seasons. The circles are everywhere. Sometimes we are so wrapped up in the folly of daily life that we don't see it. We have the same bad eating habits we can't shake; we keep dating the same type of incompatible people, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. When we break these habits, we simply begin new ones hopefully they are ones that are better for us.
Speaking of bettering ourselves, I think we can really spice up our lives if we are able to utilize pattern recognition and see the patterns, the habits and circles and tweak them every now and then. I'm not saying to stop drinking those 2 coffees every morning, but try something different 1 day a week and make sure it's a conscious decision make sure you know you are taking a turn down a different street that day. Then go back to your comfy coffee the next day. I'm not suggesting you douse yourself with a garden hose of change, just run the sprinkler. All I'm saying is treat yourself to an alternative once in a while. I do it all the time and it makes me smile. I'll change a little thing every now and then and I find I take less for granted because I'm much more aware of what I'm doing. If you just systematically do the same thing or eat the same thing or drink the same thing, you don't even enjoy it after a while. It becomes old hat. So much so that you hardly even realize what you are doing it while you do it. It's almost like you are living your life on auto-pilot. Does this happen to you? Maybe you watch television, a movie, or do something while you eat. Do you sometimes finish the food so quickly you hardly remember eating it? You can't believe it's gone. Sometimes you even consider eating something else because you think you may still be hungry since you hardly remember eating your food. It's all in your mind. Be aware.
It's all of us. This is the year 2007 and in today's advanced civilization so many basic things are overlooked. People sleep less, eat more, and are more stressed than ever despite life supposedly being far easier today than it's ever been. I'd say the biggest change in today's citizen is the distractions we provide ourselves with all the time. We are distracted something fierce. There are a million choices and a million toys. Is it healthy? Are we spoiled? Not a day goes by where I don't see someone drive by with a phone pasted to the side of their head, on some days it seems like almost everyone is doing it. They want to pass a law in New York City banning people from crossing the street while listening to their ipods and talking on their phones because these people are walking into fast moving cars and dying. Some of us need to be detached. I'm not that bad but I'm not immune to it either. I spend hours babbling on IM instead of reading a book. I'll eat my dinner in front of the television and sometimes just inhale it in about 10 minutes but fail to remember or savor a bite, but I'm awake and I'm trying.
I'm trying to break the cycle... not completely though. I'm not going to be unrealistic about it. If I were able to break all the cycles, all the circles, I'd probably go insane. I don't want you to get me wrong here. Circles are not bad in theory. Some predictability in our lives is helpful, even necessary, but a life spent saturated in it can make us passengers on the road of life. It's your life, are you going to let someone else drive? Do you want to go through life on auto-pilot? This is your ride, take the wheel. Drive wherever you want to but stop and look around sometimes. Make yourself stop everything and just breathe and think once in a while. Look both ways before you take a step, reflect on the past day and imagine tomorrow. Stop and think about what you are doing, why you are doing it and other ways you can do it. You don't have to take the same route from breakfast to bedtime every day. Make a plan to change 1 thing a day, no matter how small. Life may be cyclical but just because you are going around in circles, it doesn't mean you can't make some stops and use different roads to get to the same place. Of course I should follow this advice too. I'm trying, but I admit this blog is just as much a reminder for me as it is an opinion for you to marinate on. Now with that in mind, another day ends like the last one did... I'm sleepy. I'll see you around in that circle of life. Get it? Around circle, okay okay I'm sleepy and need to get to bed. You can boo me for that awful pun later.
I promise I'll come back to read all of this in a little bit, but I'm exhausted sooo, that has to be saved for another time