Thoughts on Christmas (12-15)
Sometimes I like to give myself little writing challenges, you know other than writing a somewhat regular blog. I love word association and creative writing and even Scrabble, so in that vein I present this kooky little blog. I decided to write the first 20 things that came into my mind about a word. I clicked on and selected the first word I saw: Christmas. So below are the first 20 things/words I thought of when I thought of Christmas.
Before we get to that though, I thought some more and decided to rate each word/thought. Just listing 20 words is no fun, but breaking each one down and giving it a rating between 1 and 10, now dammit that's fun. So below you will find the first 20 things I thought of associated with the word Christmas and what I think of each one:
Reindeer - I have a soft spot for any mammal that can fly, real or fictional, so reindeer are cool cats in my book despite not actually being cats. Score= 8
Egg Nog - Every year I think I like egg nog until I have a few glasses of it. Then the romance wears thin. Score = 5
Mistletoe - How can I not appreciate such a wonderful aphrodisiac like mistletoe? To this date I've never been kissed underneath some. Does anyone want to bring some over? Please I have nice large soft lips. Okay, it was worth a try. Score = 9
Santa Claus - Even though I recently learned that Mr. Claus isn't actually real, he's all aces to me. Santa is money he's so money and he doesn't even know it. Score = 9
Snow - For those of you in warm places, you may not realize or appreciate looking out your window on Christmas Eve to see a light snowfall. You may not know the joy of the streetlights revealing a soft white blanket over everything as far as your limited vision can provide. The night glistens as the slowly descending flakes appeal to my heart. Normally I would give snow a low rating but on Christmas things are different. Score = 8
Tree, as in Christmas tree - The Christmas tree, so simple, so important. I have many memories of sitting under the tree on Christmas morning tearing open whatever presents my parents could afford to get me. It didn't matter on that morning. The tree stood 7 or 8 feet but it may as well have been 50. Score = 9
Presents - Do I really need to elaborate? Score = 10! 10! And 10
Jesus - Of course he is the reason for all of this Xmas time mumbo jumbo. I never knew Jesus, never spoke to him, and as a matter of fact I can't even prove to you that he ever existed. But since this is his party, I'd be an awful guest to diss the host. Score= 9
Carols/Songs - It seems like it wouldn't be Christmas time without hearing a never ending supply of Xmas songs. Sure there are a few good ones. I like "Last Christmas I gave you my heart the very next day, you gave it away. This year to save me from tears I'll give it to someone special." Jimmy Eat World does a really good version of that. Also the Pretenders 2000 Miles, The Kinks, Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Run DMC, Death Cab For Cutie and Bruce Springsteen do some wonderful Xmas songs too among others. Unfortunately though, the songs get overplayed and there are far more bad ones than good ones. Score = 5
Cookies - C is for cookie and that's good enough for me. My ex-girlfriend sends me these evil ginger cookies every year at Xmas, I love them! I say evil but they aren't really evil, you just can't stop eating them once you start which kinda makes them evil... evilly good! Score = 10
Cartoons - As far as Xmas cartoons go some are good, some not so much. I love the Grinch, Charlie Brown and South Park with Mr. Hankey. Score = 6
Commercialization - bleh, I don't even want to discuss this aspect. It's my least favorite part of the holidays; they bash you over the head with it. Score = 3
Christmas Dinner - Yummy in the tummy! Whether it is ham or turkey that goes with my Christmas cookies I mind not. Any holiday that recommends or includes a special dinner (like Thanksgiving too) is truly a glorious holiday to me. Score = 9
Tinsel - Shiny, flexible, soft, fun! Score = 8
Yule Log - Totally boring. I think the Yule log is overrated. It's a piece of wood people! Get over it! Score = 3
Christmas Cards - A wonderful gesture, but I'd prefer if you sent cookies. Jeez, now I can't get cookies off my mind. Score = 6
Three Wise Men - These are the dudes who bring the gold, frankincense and myrrh right? So they are wise and they got the bling. Plus they are generous. How can you not like these guys? I wanna party with them. Score = 9
Santa's Elves - Okay these guys and gals work for minimum wage (that's what I hear), never complain or make a fuss. You never hear about elves going postal and shooting up the workshop at the North Pole. You never hear a peep. That's because these elves are fictional. Whaddya think, that elves are real? Don't be so foolish. Not these kind at least. Real elves have great eyesight, are masters of magic and never age like the kind in Lord of the Rings. Trust me, if you travel deep enough into the forest you'll find Legolas. Score = 4
Shopping - I've come to appreciate online shopping for Xmas. I get it done mostly in November. There are no lines; no 20 minutes spent looking for a parking space and no people running into you at the store because they aren't paying attention to where they are going. You don't get the item right away like you would at a store, but they aren't for you anyway... they're gifts for other people so you don't need them right away to play with. Score = 6
The Grinch - That Grinch is a mean one, but I hear deep down he's not all bad. Score = 8
Thanks for indulging me everyone!
Sometimes I like to give myself little writing challenges, you know other than writing a somewhat regular blog. I love word association and creative writing and even Scrabble, so in that vein I present this kooky little blog. I decided to write the first 20 things that came into my mind about a word. I clicked on and selected the first word I saw: Christmas. So below are the first 20 things/words I thought of when I thought of Christmas.
Before we get to that though, I thought some more and decided to rate each word/thought. Just listing 20 words is no fun, but breaking each one down and giving it a rating between 1 and 10, now dammit that's fun. So below you will find the first 20 things I thought of associated with the word Christmas and what I think of each one:
Reindeer - I have a soft spot for any mammal that can fly, real or fictional, so reindeer are cool cats in my book despite not actually being cats. Score= 8
Egg Nog - Every year I think I like egg nog until I have a few glasses of it. Then the romance wears thin. Score = 5
Mistletoe - How can I not appreciate such a wonderful aphrodisiac like mistletoe? To this date I've never been kissed underneath some. Does anyone want to bring some over? Please I have nice large soft lips. Okay, it was worth a try. Score = 9
Santa Claus - Even though I recently learned that Mr. Claus isn't actually real, he's all aces to me. Santa is money he's so money and he doesn't even know it. Score = 9
Snow - For those of you in warm places, you may not realize or appreciate looking out your window on Christmas Eve to see a light snowfall. You may not know the joy of the streetlights revealing a soft white blanket over everything as far as your limited vision can provide. The night glistens as the slowly descending flakes appeal to my heart. Normally I would give snow a low rating but on Christmas things are different. Score = 8
Tree, as in Christmas tree - The Christmas tree, so simple, so important. I have many memories of sitting under the tree on Christmas morning tearing open whatever presents my parents could afford to get me. It didn't matter on that morning. The tree stood 7 or 8 feet but it may as well have been 50. Score = 9
Presents - Do I really need to elaborate? Score = 10! 10! And 10
Jesus - Of course he is the reason for all of this Xmas time mumbo jumbo. I never knew Jesus, never spoke to him, and as a matter of fact I can't even prove to you that he ever existed. But since this is his party, I'd be an awful guest to diss the host. Score= 9
Carols/Songs - It seems like it wouldn't be Christmas time without hearing a never ending supply of Xmas songs. Sure there are a few good ones. I like "Last Christmas I gave you my heart the very next day, you gave it away. This year to save me from tears I'll give it to someone special." Jimmy Eat World does a really good version of that. Also the Pretenders 2000 Miles, The Kinks, Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Run DMC, Death Cab For Cutie and Bruce Springsteen do some wonderful Xmas songs too among others. Unfortunately though, the songs get overplayed and there are far more bad ones than good ones. Score = 5
Cookies - C is for cookie and that's good enough for me. My ex-girlfriend sends me these evil ginger cookies every year at Xmas, I love them! I say evil but they aren't really evil, you just can't stop eating them once you start which kinda makes them evil... evilly good! Score = 10
Cartoons - As far as Xmas cartoons go some are good, some not so much. I love the Grinch, Charlie Brown and South Park with Mr. Hankey. Score = 6
Commercialization - bleh, I don't even want to discuss this aspect. It's my least favorite part of the holidays; they bash you over the head with it. Score = 3
Christmas Dinner - Yummy in the tummy! Whether it is ham or turkey that goes with my Christmas cookies I mind not. Any holiday that recommends or includes a special dinner (like Thanksgiving too) is truly a glorious holiday to me. Score = 9
Tinsel - Shiny, flexible, soft, fun! Score = 8
Yule Log - Totally boring. I think the Yule log is overrated. It's a piece of wood people! Get over it! Score = 3
Christmas Cards - A wonderful gesture, but I'd prefer if you sent cookies. Jeez, now I can't get cookies off my mind. Score = 6
Three Wise Men - These are the dudes who bring the gold, frankincense and myrrh right? So they are wise and they got the bling. Plus they are generous. How can you not like these guys? I wanna party with them. Score = 9
Santa's Elves - Okay these guys and gals work for minimum wage (that's what I hear), never complain or make a fuss. You never hear about elves going postal and shooting up the workshop at the North Pole. You never hear a peep. That's because these elves are fictional. Whaddya think, that elves are real? Don't be so foolish. Not these kind at least. Real elves have great eyesight, are masters of magic and never age like the kind in Lord of the Rings. Trust me, if you travel deep enough into the forest you'll find Legolas. Score = 4
Shopping - I've come to appreciate online shopping for Xmas. I get it done mostly in November. There are no lines; no 20 minutes spent looking for a parking space and no people running into you at the store because they aren't paying attention to where they are going. You don't get the item right away like you would at a store, but they aren't for you anyway... they're gifts for other people so you don't need them right away to play with. Score = 6
The Grinch - That Grinch is a mean one, but I hear deep down he's not all bad. Score = 8
Thanks for indulging me everyone!
Other than that rant, Happy Holidays.