walking drifting haunting (6-18)
I just came back from over an hours walk around my neighborhood and some of the city and if I didnt sit down immediately and begin typing, Id lose most of the thoughts swirling in my mind. We cant have that right? The whole walk started off with a mix CD. For a very long time Ive made mixtapes for myself and others. I think in the history of my life I must have given over 50 of them to other people, but the majority of that number has come in the last ten years which includes over 5 years of being a college radio DJ. I never come at people with an attitude when it comes to mixes. I never say hey, you really NEED to listen to better music or snooty like that. Its usually more like, hey, I can make a tape for you if you want. Of course a few years back I had to stop making tapes and begin making CDs for people. As many CDs I make for friends and loved ones I probably make 10 times as many for myself.
Where was I? Oh yes, I was walking. When I make a new mix thingy, I like to walk with it or go for a bike ride, you know depending on the type of music and my mood. Its my litmus test. If I can walk or do my thing and the music moves me, then the mix is correct and yes I have made changes to a previous mix upon walking and deciding that some songs were misplaced or didnt belong altogether.
Making a mix CD for someone for the first time can be a daunting task. The first one is the easiest in some ways but its also the toughest. Theres a little bit of pressure there. You hope the person likes it and opens the door to other mixes down the road. You know, even if you never make that person another mix til the end of time, if they liked that first one and wouldnt be repulsed by the idea of you hooking them up with another at some point then youve completed your mission. Of course all this gets heightened even further if you are making a 1st mix for a romantic interest that you are simply dying to impress in any way. Luckily this mix does not fall under that category. Its just a mix for a friend.
So Im walking in various neighborhoods giving the mix a spin. I walked up Elmwood Avenue for a spell, which on a Saturday night can be a little obnoxious. Elmwood is probably the 2nd busiest street in Buffalo on a weekend night. There are horny guys everywhere and women dressed to accommodate them. In some ways it looks like a meat street. Then theres me, walking, drifting, and haunting Elmwood like a specter. I float up the street, not dressed up, no cologne, and no hair product. Im just a regular looking guy with a scruffy look, soft movements and quiet eyes. When the girls walk by I dont drool. When the pair of ladies came out of a car and walk for a block right in front of me in booty shorts, I only looked 4, 5 times tops and Im not talking sustained 60 second glares either. I believe it was a quick look when they first appeared walking 10 feet in front of me, then maybe a double take and then another double take as we went in different directions. What can I say? Im a guy, but not a guy. Besides that, Im incredibly picky so it takes more than a nice behind and a pound of make-up to float my boat.
I match eyes with the occasional passersby. Some guys give me a look. A few pretty women give me a soft smile which is returned, but mostly people ignore me. I can pass a few blocks sometimes without any one seeming to notice me. I must admit I like that. I feel like a ghost. Here I am watching everything and everyone and no one can see me. I almost feel like Im haunting Elmwood Ave, drifting up the street. The beats in my ears stimulate me and the people all around act out the soundtrack of my evening. Its a simple pleasure I get sometimes. I walk muted streets with no sounds but the music I selected. Theres nothing better than an absolutely beautiful woman walking towards me with an absolutely beautiful song playing with her every step.
After 30 minutes walking busy streets, I shifted over a few blocks to the parkway thats really close to the activity of Elmwood, but at the same so far away in appearance. The parkway is lined with big 6 figure houses. Its dimly lit, hardly populated and nearly as serene as Elmwood is chaotic. Its really funny what a difference 2 blocks makes. I walked in the shadow as if I was one, no one around. No sounds but the distant traffic. The stars showed brighter. The air tasted better. The music was blending with the quiet as well as the noise. Its all the same when its piped into your ears and oh yeah the CD was fine.
I just came back from over an hours walk around my neighborhood and some of the city and if I didnt sit down immediately and begin typing, Id lose most of the thoughts swirling in my mind. We cant have that right? The whole walk started off with a mix CD. For a very long time Ive made mixtapes for myself and others. I think in the history of my life I must have given over 50 of them to other people, but the majority of that number has come in the last ten years which includes over 5 years of being a college radio DJ. I never come at people with an attitude when it comes to mixes. I never say hey, you really NEED to listen to better music or snooty like that. Its usually more like, hey, I can make a tape for you if you want. Of course a few years back I had to stop making tapes and begin making CDs for people. As many CDs I make for friends and loved ones I probably make 10 times as many for myself.
Where was I? Oh yes, I was walking. When I make a new mix thingy, I like to walk with it or go for a bike ride, you know depending on the type of music and my mood. Its my litmus test. If I can walk or do my thing and the music moves me, then the mix is correct and yes I have made changes to a previous mix upon walking and deciding that some songs were misplaced or didnt belong altogether.
Making a mix CD for someone for the first time can be a daunting task. The first one is the easiest in some ways but its also the toughest. Theres a little bit of pressure there. You hope the person likes it and opens the door to other mixes down the road. You know, even if you never make that person another mix til the end of time, if they liked that first one and wouldnt be repulsed by the idea of you hooking them up with another at some point then youve completed your mission. Of course all this gets heightened even further if you are making a 1st mix for a romantic interest that you are simply dying to impress in any way. Luckily this mix does not fall under that category. Its just a mix for a friend.
So Im walking in various neighborhoods giving the mix a spin. I walked up Elmwood Avenue for a spell, which on a Saturday night can be a little obnoxious. Elmwood is probably the 2nd busiest street in Buffalo on a weekend night. There are horny guys everywhere and women dressed to accommodate them. In some ways it looks like a meat street. Then theres me, walking, drifting, and haunting Elmwood like a specter. I float up the street, not dressed up, no cologne, and no hair product. Im just a regular looking guy with a scruffy look, soft movements and quiet eyes. When the girls walk by I dont drool. When the pair of ladies came out of a car and walk for a block right in front of me in booty shorts, I only looked 4, 5 times tops and Im not talking sustained 60 second glares either. I believe it was a quick look when they first appeared walking 10 feet in front of me, then maybe a double take and then another double take as we went in different directions. What can I say? Im a guy, but not a guy. Besides that, Im incredibly picky so it takes more than a nice behind and a pound of make-up to float my boat.
I match eyes with the occasional passersby. Some guys give me a look. A few pretty women give me a soft smile which is returned, but mostly people ignore me. I can pass a few blocks sometimes without any one seeming to notice me. I must admit I like that. I feel like a ghost. Here I am watching everything and everyone and no one can see me. I almost feel like Im haunting Elmwood Ave, drifting up the street. The beats in my ears stimulate me and the people all around act out the soundtrack of my evening. Its a simple pleasure I get sometimes. I walk muted streets with no sounds but the music I selected. Theres nothing better than an absolutely beautiful woman walking towards me with an absolutely beautiful song playing with her every step.
After 30 minutes walking busy streets, I shifted over a few blocks to the parkway thats really close to the activity of Elmwood, but at the same so far away in appearance. The parkway is lined with big 6 figure houses. Its dimly lit, hardly populated and nearly as serene as Elmwood is chaotic. Its really funny what a difference 2 blocks makes. I walked in the shadow as if I was one, no one around. No sounds but the distant traffic. The stars showed brighter. The air tasted better. The music was blending with the quiet as well as the noise. Its all the same when its piped into your ears and oh yeah the CD was fine.