Whew! Just finished working an 11 hour day. I walk in the door, wash my hands (it's the cold season, gotta keep the germs away), pop on the CPU and pop on the TV. It's time for food. Do you ever skip breakfast and then feel cheated the whole day? I mean, you can't just have waffles for dinner can you? When there is injustice in the world that I created I'm big enough of a man to admit my wrongdoing and do whatever I can to make it right.
So tonight, it's breakfast time! I bought a box of Pirates of the Caribbean cereal and I've been chomping it down these last few minutes. Three problems come to mind when you try to eat cereal and type: 1-You have to be careful cuz drops of milk can end up anywhere, especially on the keyboard... For instance my left alt button is now my left alt/milk button. 2-When you distract yourself when you are eating, you don't give the food it's proper due. I would be sitting here typing and eating and then it would all be gone before I knew it with hardly a memory or opinion involved. I don't know how it is for aliens, but with us humans, the taste buds work in conjunction with the mind, not independent. If your mind is on typing, it's not on what you're chewing, so don't eat something you've looked forward to or normally relish (desired, not that green pickle stuff). and 3- The cereal can go soggy if you get too wrapped up in what you are doing.
I'm a wise Eddie, I finished almost all my food before typing, so I tasted it, enjoyed it, and ate it at its' crunchiest.
By the way Pirates of the Caribbean cereal is great. It's the best of two worlds. You have black pearls (chocolate puffs) that are akin to Cocoa Puffs but that are slightly softer, and pirate marshmellows which bring to mind Count Chocula. Got that? Take Count Chocula and replace the choco-bats with slightly softer cocoa puffs and you too can eat the breakfast of pirates.
Now to go find some booty!
So tonight, it's breakfast time! I bought a box of Pirates of the Caribbean cereal and I've been chomping it down these last few minutes. Three problems come to mind when you try to eat cereal and type: 1-You have to be careful cuz drops of milk can end up anywhere, especially on the keyboard... For instance my left alt button is now my left alt/milk button. 2-When you distract yourself when you are eating, you don't give the food it's proper due. I would be sitting here typing and eating and then it would all be gone before I knew it with hardly a memory or opinion involved. I don't know how it is for aliens, but with us humans, the taste buds work in conjunction with the mind, not independent. If your mind is on typing, it's not on what you're chewing, so don't eat something you've looked forward to or normally relish (desired, not that green pickle stuff). and 3- The cereal can go soggy if you get too wrapped up in what you are doing.
I'm a wise Eddie, I finished almost all my food before typing, so I tasted it, enjoyed it, and ate it at its' crunchiest.
By the way Pirates of the Caribbean cereal is great. It's the best of two worlds. You have black pearls (chocolate puffs) that are akin to Cocoa Puffs but that are slightly softer, and pirate marshmellows which bring to mind Count Chocula. Got that? Take Count Chocula and replace the choco-bats with slightly softer cocoa puffs and you too can eat the breakfast of pirates.
Now to go find some booty!

Really? That's your only stipulation? That boobs have to be real? interesting.