Christmas was tough. Spent Christmas eve alone for the most part. Had to work then was home for most the night. I got so lonely I went to the bar and sang a little but my heart was not in it. Christmas morning went to see my family, was home by 11am. I had invites to other places but seeing the happy couples was just...
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I hate waking up alone. Things have been better for the last couple of days due to a friend I have been hanging out with the last two nights. But this morning as my hazy brain started to wake, I reached across the bed to pull someone in close to me. As I realized there was no one there I became deeply saddened. Not because...
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So much to post. So little I know how to say.
The ex moved out a week ago. It was a long hard day. Just her and I moving all the stuff. Tiring physically and mentally. Then I got to work claiming the apartment as my own. Found a loud horribly awesome chair at a thrift store. And completely re-arranged everything to try and make...
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The ex moved out a week ago. It was a long hard day. Just her and I moving all the stuff. Tiring physically and mentally. Then I got to work claiming the apartment as my own. Found a loud horribly awesome chair at a thrift store. And completely re-arranged everything to try and make...
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X moved out. Sounds good to me. Making space your own. Way to go. Good luck.
the chair is AWESOME
Hello SG peoples!
Hope everything is going good out there. It is a little tough here.
After 8 years of marriage, it has ended. I am in a period of trying to learn to be single again. It is hard learning to make it about me now instead of us. To be selfish instead of compromising. One thing I will really miss is sleeping next...
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Hope everything is going good out there. It is a little tough here.
After 8 years of marriage, it has ended. I am in a period of trying to learn to be single again. It is hard learning to make it about me now instead of us. To be selfish instead of compromising. One thing I will really miss is sleeping next...
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we should!
do not like!!! oh dear! we still on for tomorrow ? 

This has been one hell of a last couple of months. I have had so many changes lately. And they have slowly changed my world. So much in so little time and now the future I once had envisioned is no longer mine. I am so lost now. I need to figure out what I want and what I need to do to get it.
Had a good talk with both the girl I am seeing and my wife today. Feeling much better after a difficult and very lonely Sat. I think I have my overflowing emotions in check and can start to move forward soon. I know cryptic, but I need to start this blog again.
super cryptic!
I know. I have to work up to getting my thoughts out on a blog.
PS totally need to catch up with you sometime. We should do coffee.
PS totally need to catch up with you sometime. We should do coffee.
Sometimes I feel so alone.
Well my girlfriend and I broke up officially yesterday. We have been talking about this for a week now. It was hard. The relationship was stagnate and just waiting for something to happen to fall apart. So I did what I thought was right and ended it now so we can heal and move on in our lives instead of waiting a few months or...
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sorry to hear that doll 

My wife just self published her first book on for Kindle. I am so proud of her and I cannot wait to see how well it is received. It is a adult fantasy/romance novel and she is already well into the work on the second book.
I listed her short synopsis on her book below.
In the Dark - What happens when you find...
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In the Dark - What happens when you find...
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ah thanks babe!
you never know!!!!
Interesting weekend coming up. My wife is out of town and I have nothing to do.
ah shucks babe, thanks 

If all goes well, good luck and fun shall be had, my friend. Friends?