I had a great time at the SGSAC BBQ on Sat. We really do have a cool group of people.
So I am moving. Getting a nice two bedroom apartment in West Sac. Of course the first available is on the third floor. Sounds good at the time but moving stuff into it is hell.
But it will be cool once we are all in.
so this is the weekend of the move. Friday night after work we are moving the big stuff via truck and what ever else we can fit. I have a couple of friends that I bribed with pizza and beer to help.
Suckers! It is still going to be a big job. I cannot wait to be moved in.
So I am moving. Getting a nice two bedroom apartment in West Sac. Of course the first available is on the third floor. Sounds good at the time but moving stuff into it is hell.

hey thanks for the love and support, friend. 
