want to start learning shibari knots and ties to spice up the our sex life. I am looking for an instructor that is willing to teach me and my partner the correct and safe way to go about this. Any help is greatly appreciated. thank you
Ok people as some of you already know i will be moving to san diego at the end of july. I was accepted to the Professional Certification in Brewing Program offered by UCSD Extention. I will be looking for a job and a place to live starting August. If any one in San Diego knows of either job, housing or both, please message me. greatly...
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el amor es el libre albedrio para nutrir el crecimiento espiritual de uno mismo y/ó de otra persona, revelado atraves de acciones de cariño, afecto, responsabilidad, respeto, compromiso, y confianza. La fundacion de todo el amor en nuestras vidas es la misma. No existe un amor especial que es reservado exclusivo para parejas romanticas. El amor genuino debe ser la fundacion que usamos para interactuar...
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So i heard about this professional certification in brewing offered by UCSD extension back home in san diego, i applied last year and i did not get in. I reapplied this year and i got in!!!! will be moving back home at the end of july, school starts in september so i want to have a month so i can find a job and a...
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festivities continue this weekend starting saturday with a nice pig roast and a BayPA home brew for the special occasion
!!! my mom and my older sister are coming up to visit and i am stoked :) prob gonna take them up to san francisco and show her aruond on sunday.
what up SG peeps hope all is well and everyone is enjoying the good along with the bad. will be heading to mi tierra chulajuana in july for my niece's quinceañera in tijuana. the party is going to be im tijuana saturday july 12, wondering if any lovely women would like to be my date for the special occasion?promise to be nothing but a total...
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