wrote substantially this to
near a quarter century i've been steppenfetchin', waiting tables.
pro waiters generally refer to themselves as 'nigger whores', and we know all about humiliating objectification. ...
i add:
if looking at nekkid pierced girls was such an overwhelming turn on for me i'd've stayed at piercedbitches.com to which tristan taormino turned me on,
i'm wobbly. i come here to...
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near a quarter century i've been steppenfetchin', waiting tables.
pro waiters generally refer to themselves as 'nigger whores', and we know all about humiliating objectification. ...
i add:
if looking at nekkid pierced girls was such an overwhelming turn on for me i'd've stayed at piercedbitches.com to which tristan taormino turned me on,
i'm wobbly. i come here to...
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so beth's mad at me cos i sd:
"put those pictures up child."
n she sd:
"are you sure you want those pictures up?"
n i sd:
"don't be such a fucking soot."
and it continued to degenerate into acrimony because beth knows damn well i'm suspicious of how she uses words and so she's worried and defensive about her captions and the whole process...
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"put those pictures up child."
n she sd:
"are you sure you want those pictures up?"
n i sd:
"don't be such a fucking soot."
and it continued to degenerate into acrimony because beth knows damn well i'm suspicious of how she uses words and so she's worried and defensive about her captions and the whole process...
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Did you really say those things to them?
edsel's amazing fashion finds
Edsel's amazing fashion finds
calling me a slut is no way to win my favor.
i cut my brother gramsci because i am ruthless...
on labor day weekend 1963 a bunch of rich kids, crazy with firewater and r n b, utterly trashed a house in southampton out on the island.
ocean park. i think that's the name of the house. you could look it up..
if we re-enacted that wilding with suicide girls and boys as part of the...
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on labor day weekend 1963 a bunch of rich kids, crazy with firewater and r n b, utterly trashed a house in southampton out on the island.
ocean park. i think that's the name of the house. you could look it up..
if we re-enacted that wilding with suicide girls and boys as part of the...
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Booted for aesthetics!!!!!

i can't seem to make this motherfucking url thing work.

Hmmm...I like the title to the movie very much. I respond to the second piece of information cautiously. It would potentially creep me out, but that depends on your definition of nasty, I supposed.
"during the predatory culture labour comes to be associated in men's habits of thought with weakness and subjection to a master. it is therefore a mark of inferiority, and therefore comes to be accounted unworthy of man in his best estate. by virtue of this tradition labour is felt to be debasing, and this tradition has never died out. on the contrary, with the advance...
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Nope. I don't 'target' my audience. to me, that's what makes SG different from old-school porn. My sets are MY fantasies. Come enjoy them if you want, that's why they're here. But I don't give a fuck what you want.

PS call me babrie again and you'll die in your sleep.
"the upper classes are by custom exempt or excluded from industrial occupations, and are reserved for certain employments to which a degree of honour attaches. Chief among the honourable employments in any feudal community is warfare; and priestly service is commonly second to warfare."
thorstein veblen. 'the theory of the leisure class.'
thorstein veblen. 'the theory of the leisure class.'

Isnt it interesting how that sort of thing is slipping away, at least in America, in a time when the trust fund babies only concern themselves with parties and what designer they are wearing, and how fast they can spend their father's, or grandfather's money. Many have just become trashy and unfortunately for us, they arent signing up in mass numbers to go get blown up. (Not that they would necessarily get stuck on the front lines, but you know what I mean). Instead, it's the place of those who are poor and have no alternative, or just want money for college so they can get a job and actually become productive members of society.
As for art, Im trying to find direction. I keep going off in so many directions. I need to focus on something so I can actually get up enough similar work to put together a decent portfolio. I have about 20 collage blocks, so I guess thats something, but because they are small I feel like I need a larger body of work before I begin.
As for art, Im trying to find direction. I keep going off in so many directions. I need to focus on something so I can actually get up enough similar work to put together a decent portfolio. I have about 20 collage blocks, so I guess thats something, but because they are small I feel like I need a larger body of work before I begin.
I would definitely be creeped out. I haver no desire to hear anyone elses erotic fantasies concerning me unless i'm fucking them.
beth and i are walking the beagle up eighty fourth street and there's an ad for vitamin water on a phone booth.
in the ad two girls a boy and a goat share a bed ang i think the only substantive text is the word 'endurance'.
i say "damn, honey" and she and i try to imagine the meeting where the various suits outlined an...
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in the ad two girls a boy and a goat share a bed ang i think the only substantive text is the word 'endurance'.
i say "damn, honey" and she and i try to imagine the meeting where the various suits outlined an...
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Im sorry...I just really don't get it.
thanks for the well wishes.
'thorstein veblen's "the theory of the leisure class" - a vampire flick ' is my suicidegirl conceptual piece in the skool of trash art and millenarian ethereality... i discovered neon_vomit on a board about fisting and i wrote and asked her permission to feature her in a story but then i put her in a story on Ayres ' journal without getting her reply which...
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Well well well, lets say that your message is kinda... ununderstanding... at least for me... so you are in some blah blah convention with a good fod grass and stuff... and then I have bunny ears or something like that... and Im fucking with you?
LoL guy you are crazy. Lets make this clear.
If I EVER wanted to do that public fist fucking fore, I should go and make pics for a porn site, not for this incredible place... and let me tell you another thing, darling. Im a very political person, active, political, blah blah blah who for PEACE AND LOVE made lots of things that are more intresting than the STUPID thing that you posted. Darling, try to go to Iraq in the middle of a war, and then, come and talk to me about peace and love.
I have no problem to talk about sex and fucking and sucking and blah blah but SERIOUSLY GUY I dont thing that you are the right person, cause you seem to be a little bit... OuT oF youR MinD. Then, go and post your shit in some other place, or, better, in other site.
I dont find your post ofensive to ME. I found it offensive the excuses you use to talk about this. FOR LOVE AND PEACE. Suck me,
Love A*
LoL guy you are crazy. Lets make this clear.
If I EVER wanted to do that public fist fucking fore, I should go and make pics for a porn site, not for this incredible place... and let me tell you another thing, darling. Im a very political person, active, political, blah blah blah who for PEACE AND LOVE made lots of things that are more intresting than the STUPID thing that you posted. Darling, try to go to Iraq in the middle of a war, and then, come and talk to me about peace and love.
I have no problem to talk about sex and fucking and sucking and blah blah but SERIOUSLY GUY I dont thing that you are the right person, cause you seem to be a little bit... OuT oF youR MinD. Then, go and post your shit in some other place, or, better, in other site.
I dont find your post ofensive to ME. I found it offensive the excuses you use to talk about this. FOR LOVE AND PEACE. Suck me,
Love A*