Today I am in an awesome little town and it is pretty awesome. It has a very similar feel to the university I last visited, with a few minor differences. It is the home university of Steve Prefontane, rogue beer is brewed locally, and it is also the town in which an activist burned three SUV's. I have never seen so much green in my life. Can you guess where I'm at? It's a cool town, and all the faculty members seem pretty cool also. I just got back from probably the millionth faculty hosted dinner that ive been to in the last month and I have to say I am not going to miss them. However, i do miss my dog as well as a special person that is pretty far away from me right now.
More Blogs
Monday Apr 17, 2006
so, sorry for the infrequent updates. Its been a really tough month.… -
Saturday Mar 11, 2006
Today I am in an awesome little town and it is pretty awesome. It ha… -
Friday Feb 24, 2006
i'm in the biking capital of the world. there are roads specifically … -
Friday Jan 13, 2006
first and foremost, I would like to begin this entry by declaring th… -
Thursday Dec 22, 2005
let us see, today it is thursday December 22nd, and if i would like t… -
Saturday Dec 17, 2005
D o n e … -
Saturday Dec 10, 2005
make it through thursday at 200, go to wild oats, buy as much root be… -
Monday Nov 21, 2005
so i finished my honors thesis recently and i can not say how amazing… -
Wednesday Sep 07, 2005
so i bought the new against me! cd and i am totally dissapointed. ev… -
Saturday Sep 03, 2005
met some sg peeeeeople last night and it was pretty rad.