Ah the joys of house hunting. I have a few viewings tomorrow and tonight - hope one of them suits and they like grad students....everything's crossed. Back in college in a few weeks and I don't know what I was thinking but I signed up to peer mentor the noobs in vet, I'm stewarding the vet hospital conference and seeing practice in the vets so...
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Whoa, you're a vet?? or vet in practice? I don't know how those things work, I wanted to as a kid, but when I realized I was way too over emotional about animals, I knew I couldn't do it...

And thanks for the comment! I really appreciate it. I've been researching the breed for a looong time! They started out as my favorite, probably based on looks because of the big heads, I love dogs with huge heads! but I got down to reading into them and learning about them and meeting them and realized, wow, this breed suits me fully. I'm extremely responsible. Everything is all ready for him, I just have to talk to all the kids and people with dogs around the neighbourhood. He's a very well socialized dog who's grown up with kittens and pups all his life, but I don't want anything to happen because some people won't keep their chihuahuas on leashes and let them roam... But I've got everything sorted out so that he lives a happy, active life! I'm so excited for him! I can't stop talking about pit bulls and the breed and getting ready for a heap of discrimination from friends, family, and strangers, but I'm pretty knowledgable about dogs in general and reading so much about pit bulls makes me feel so much more intelligent about the breed so I can counter anything people say in a smart way.

Fact is, all dogs ARE animals and they all have the possibility to develop bad temperaments. As long as they have a good pack leader, I think they're prime! sorry for the amount of text. I'm just so excited!