wudup everybody, well I just got home and immediately rolled up a super fatty with king size zig zags!
OH YEAH! Our friend from work is here and we're catching up on good times! We are trying to convince him to come to Burning Man this year with us, but it's not working! Our tour is closing in november in L.A. so he is afraid of spending money, I don't blame him. I know I'm still going cause I already have the tickets! oh yeah!!!

OH YEAH! Our friend from work is here and we're catching up on good times! We are trying to convince him to come to Burning Man this year with us, but it's not working! Our tour is closing in november in L.A. so he is afraid of spending money, I don't blame him. I know I'm still going cause I already have the tickets! oh yeah!!!

Thank you soooo much