Well I think my account expires tonight, I wish I were able to get to know all of you better but love you all lots and I'm hoping to cross paths with most of you in the future and maybe at burning man! Mucho Amor! Much Love!
I'm here at the Fox in Atlanta once again for another wonderful performance of Phantom, but this has to be my 2000th time watching the show and running the front of house spotlight! The songs are driving me crazy, but it's good that I've mastered the art of blocking them out of my head! Hehehehe! Well hope everyone is getting ready for a great weekend... Read More
Hello SG world! Well its been a while since my last blog, hope everyone is doing great! I'm getting ready to drive up to east lancing from miami to go back to work! Its been an awesome two weeks in miami and the keys but gotta get back to work now! Well journey everyone and have a great night!
Hello SG world, well I'm here at home in Miami and lovin every minute of it! I'm getting ready to go to Key West tomorrow, gonna rent a boat and go snorkeling and enjoy the sun! Hopefully the weather is going to be great, I'm sure it will! Hope everyone had an exciting weekend until later, journey on!
Hello SG peeps, I'm just here at work for another two show day, patiently waiting for them to be over! The packing continues as we get ready for the drive home to Miami! Hope everyone is having an amazing weekend!
Journey on everyone!
Thanks for accepting my friend request! this too with a little cold because in my country are starting these terrible cold days .... and you how are you?
Good morning SG lovers! Well I'm here at work again, had to wake up way too early this morning to be at the theatre to make sure we get our dry ice delivery! At least once it gets here I'll have most of the day to take care of things that need to be done, seeing that I'm already awake this early! AHHHHH!!!! Well hope... Read More
Oh man, those are the best days, you get so much done! Hope you had a good one and have a lot of fun this weekend, cause that is what weekends are for!
Hello SG world, well I'm counting down the days (8 left) till we're on our way to Miami for fun and relaxation, and little bit of pre-fabrication for burning man this year! OH YEAH! can't wait! Definitely going down to key west while we are there, thats a must! Hope everyone had an amazing weekend, and journey on!And of course, most of all Happy... Read More
What's up SG world, Here at work again for another two show day! Can't wait till they're done so I can finally have my day off tomorrow! Oh Yeah! I'm planning on a long and lazy day but you know how that can go sometimes, hopefully it'll happen! Well hope everyone is having an amazing weekend, if not then let it begin now!
Hello SG world, well four of the six will have homes in a week from today! It kind of sucks cause I'm already attached to all of them, but I know I can't keep them all even if I wanted to! However at least I know they will be in good hands! Well hope everyone is having a great weekend!
Good morning SG world, well I'm up at the but crack of dawn to be here at the theatre to wait for our dry ice delivery! I can tell one thing I don't do mornings very well, however I did wake and bake this morning so at least I can sit outside the theatre and people watch until the dry ice gets here! All the... Read More