Can someone PLEASE teach me how to stand up for myself?!
I'm very pissed and very passive aggressive. It just might be killing me.
Don't get me wrong, I'm often very outspoken and aggressive except when it comes to confrontation.
I just thoroughly re-cleaned a kitchen I cleaned 4 days ago because my roommate decided to bake everyday this week and not clean. It made...
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I'm very pissed and very passive aggressive. It just might be killing me.
Don't get me wrong, I'm often very outspoken and aggressive except when it comes to confrontation.
I just thoroughly re-cleaned a kitchen I cleaned 4 days ago because my roommate decided to bake everyday this week and not clean. It made...
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i think the obvious solution is to have even louder sex outside your roommates door. use some baked goods in the process maybe a nice ass print on the door in frosting for good measure.
Ah formalities, don't you love it?
Applied for my own job today since HR won't just let me be hired.
Now I have to submit to background check and LiveScan ($32)
This is before i can be hired for a job I've been interning at for free for the last year
And the formalities are stopping me from being hired in a timely manner.
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Applied for my own job today since HR won't just let me be hired.
Now I have to submit to background check and LiveScan ($32)
This is before i can be hired for a job I've been interning at for free for the last year
And the formalities are stopping me from being hired in a timely manner.
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My car is 500 dollars to get registered in CA... I think they are persecuting me...
I drive a friggin honda accord! its a low emissions vehicle! Something must be wrong, but every year I put up a fight and talk to someone with an IQ of 45 and then give up... it's really sad.
HOORAY! I graduated from UCSD yesterday!
In other news, I was cleaning out my closet today and I found a pet carrier.
Does anyone have a small cat or very small dog they need a carrier for? I bought it to take my cat to the vet but he absolutely refused to go in so I ended up carrying him the entire way. I would...
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In other news, I was cleaning out my closet today and I found a pet carrier.
Does anyone have a small cat or very small dog they need a carrier for? I bought it to take my cat to the vet but he absolutely refused to go in so I ended up carrying him the entire way. I would...
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Last night I went to party at the house of one my coworker. I, of course, ended up a little toasted. And when I get a little drunk I tend to start things. So after throwing said coworker into his own pool someone pushed me over and then fell on top of me. My foot hurt a little but no biggie.
So after spending all...
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So after spending all...
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Congratulations on graduation!

I'm going to Australia in October.
Okay, so I study people's brains for a living. But there is something that I can not understand.
You know how sometimes in life there's one certain person and when you're in their vicinity you can't help the overflow of sexual feelings almost physically pulling you to that person? When you think about them, nothing. When you talk to them from a distance, nothing. But...
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You know how sometimes in life there's one certain person and when you're in their vicinity you can't help the overflow of sexual feelings almost physically pulling you to that person? When you think about them, nothing. When you talk to them from a distance, nothing. But...
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I fucking love Ronald Jenkees. This one just makes me want to dance.
The STS9 collaboration video is my favorite. I listen to it after work to keep myself moving.
The STS9 collaboration video is my favorite. I listen to it after work to keep myself moving.
I can't put my penis in your college degree and i can't put my fist in your childhood dreams
I licked 40 envelopes today, it was awful.
Remember when you had to lick stamps?
I licked 40 envelopes today, it was awful.

Remember when you had to lick stamps?
I love this song, and this guy.
have you watched his other videos? Like "Regular Everyday Normal Guy"
have you watched his other videos? Like "Regular Everyday Normal Guy"
speaking of the facebook, I don't get on here much anymore, but would still like to keep in contact with you. Would you add me on facebook?
Yesterday was the memorial for someone I've known since elementary school. He was diagnosed with stomach cancer less than 6 months ago. I'm 21, such a mortality check.
In happier news, can anyone recommend a good Mexican market where I can get good, cheap carne asade? I'm in San Diego city and there is only Asian markets around me but I have a craving to...
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In happier news, can anyone recommend a good Mexican market where I can get good, cheap carne asade? I'm in San Diego city and there is only Asian markets around me but I have a craving to...
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I'm really sorry to hear that
I've been there.
Cute picture.

Cute picture.
Back from my first trip to Vegas and I have to say I don't love it.
I did end up $20 ahead but I hate spending money and not into gambling or "night life" so big surprise I didn't enjoy it.
I did enjoy the weird/dirty looks I got at APP though. My fault I look "normal".
So much to catch up on after being...
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I did end up $20 ahead but I hate spending money and not into gambling or "night life" so big surprise I didn't enjoy it.
I did enjoy the weird/dirty looks I got at APP though. My fault I look "normal".
So much to catch up on after being...
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any preferential outcome to all this studying? working with the mentally ill, children, mentally ill children?
I just finally began my college career. Call me a late bloomer.
I just finally began my college career. Call me a late bloomer.
That picture scares me.
Don't you hate it when you've been thinking about eating something all day that you have at home and when you finally get home its spoiled or someone else has already eaten it? Ugh, I do.
I'm graduating college in June and I don't think its a big deal. Everyone else is trying to convince me otherwise.
I'm graduating college in June and I don't think its a big deal. Everyone else is trying to convince me otherwise.
Ouch. Is that both ankles or just two angles? Howd you do that?
What are you graduating in?
What are you graduating in?
I don't have that problem mostly because I rarely have food at home. Keeping a kitchen stocked is not my forte.
graduation is a big deal in that you've completed something. Seen it through to the end, something not everyone else can claim that often, especially something that has required the dedication of years of your life. You may not see it as a big deal in that you've seen the progression, such as not seeing yourself lose weight until someone who hasn't seen you in a while is astounded by the change. It just requires perspective.
You may not see the significance, but I congratulate you all the same.
graduation is a big deal in that you've completed something. Seen it through to the end, something not everyone else can claim that often, especially something that has required the dedication of years of your life. You may not see it as a big deal in that you've seen the progression, such as not seeing yourself lose weight until someone who hasn't seen you in a while is astounded by the change. It just requires perspective.
You may not see the significance, but I congratulate you all the same.
Is that your wrist in the x-ray?