today we returned a sweatered dog...a smallish scottish thing the was gray and wearing clothes of the people sort. it was running around by ricks sisters house when we left and it was a good 10 min walking distance from home.
it was so tired! when i took it into the car it totally collapsed in my lap and just slept until we got it to where it was supposed to be...the best thing about it all is when we rang the doorbell a guy peeked through the curtains and without opening the door motioned that we should meet him at the we go over there and the guy (who looks like hes my age) opens the door and is wearing a LEATHER BATHROBE!!!!
i dont know what his deal was...he quickly said thank you and he had no idea the dog had even been gone. and that was it.
i just happy i was able to help a smallish sweatered peopley person today...i feel warm n fuzzy. (even if the owner dressed like a douche)
it was so tired! when i took it into the car it totally collapsed in my lap and just slept until we got it to where it was supposed to be...the best thing about it all is when we rang the doorbell a guy peeked through the curtains and without opening the door motioned that we should meet him at the we go over there and the guy (who looks like hes my age) opens the door and is wearing a LEATHER BATHROBE!!!!
i dont know what his deal was...he quickly said thank you and he had no idea the dog had even been gone. and that was it.
i just happy i was able to help a smallish sweatered peopley person today...i feel warm n fuzzy. (even if the owner dressed like a douche)

sounds like what we say about the weather here. always changing. we had Hail on Tuesday..big hail...weird. Have a great day