thank you to everyone who left me such nice comments. i just got back from the momorial on tuesday...which was astounding to say the least. (500 people or more - about half older people and family and half street kids and punk rockers with torn clothes and wild hair! there was no where to sit and people were even standing out the door.) so many people said so many good things about was great!
i wanted to get up there and speak but i cant talk in front of people...letalone someone i am grieving for...but if i had gotten up there and told a story a would have told the one about me finding out about being pregnant...
when i found out i was pregnant i just kinda took the test on a whim...i was bored...i am incredibly irregular and i just figured it was due to that that things werent happening...but i took the test (i was with my parents for a week at the time in MA) and totally got jittery and freaked out...the first thing i did was take the test down to Andy, who worked at the liquor store at the time, and i walked up to him and didnt know what to i just put the pregnancy test in his hand. and he said "what is this?" and i was like "i just found out that im pregnant." and he said " you want this back?"
i had completely forgotten that i had peed on that thing...hahaha...its just one of many funny situations.
i got my tribute tattoo the other day...he had always wanted a cheshire cat, like from alice in wonderland for the last 4 years, but when i talked to him the night he died he said that he had just come up with the perfect picture...unfortunately it went up in flames. he had always said that i was alice and he was the cheshire cat and we were the only sane people in an insane what i got is and old skool illustration of the two...alice on one foot with his birth date and the cat on the other with his death date. my first tribute...and although its just black lines...its good. its what i wanted. and i am happy.
on the other hand however...they have figured out what started the fire...Andy worked at a liquor store and didnt drink every day but drank a decent amount when he did drink. apparently that night he had been drunk and passed out on the couch leaving a lit cigarette on a nearby chair. at least he died from the smoke and not the fire...but still...
i ok with it now. things happen and he was the kindest person i know...and i guess that goes that same for a LOT of other people...if i ever have any questions on anything i will just do a WWAD (what would andy do?) haha...but really, he was an amazing person and although it sucks that he least he touched so many lives. i will always love love him.
i wanted to get up there and speak but i cant talk in front of people...letalone someone i am grieving for...but if i had gotten up there and told a story a would have told the one about me finding out about being pregnant...
when i found out i was pregnant i just kinda took the test on a whim...i was bored...i am incredibly irregular and i just figured it was due to that that things werent happening...but i took the test (i was with my parents for a week at the time in MA) and totally got jittery and freaked out...the first thing i did was take the test down to Andy, who worked at the liquor store at the time, and i walked up to him and didnt know what to i just put the pregnancy test in his hand. and he said "what is this?" and i was like "i just found out that im pregnant." and he said " you want this back?"
i had completely forgotten that i had peed on that thing...hahaha...its just one of many funny situations.
i got my tribute tattoo the other day...he had always wanted a cheshire cat, like from alice in wonderland for the last 4 years, but when i talked to him the night he died he said that he had just come up with the perfect picture...unfortunately it went up in flames. he had always said that i was alice and he was the cheshire cat and we were the only sane people in an insane what i got is and old skool illustration of the two...alice on one foot with his birth date and the cat on the other with his death date. my first tribute...and although its just black lines...its good. its what i wanted. and i am happy.
on the other hand however...they have figured out what started the fire...Andy worked at a liquor store and didnt drink every day but drank a decent amount when he did drink. apparently that night he had been drunk and passed out on the couch leaving a lit cigarette on a nearby chair. at least he died from the smoke and not the fire...but still...
i ok with it now. things happen and he was the kindest person i know...and i guess that goes that same for a LOT of other people...if i ever have any questions on anything i will just do a WWAD (what would andy do?) haha...but really, he was an amazing person and although it sucks that he least he touched so many lives. i will always love love him.
hugs to you.............