I have some more new artwork up...been busy, busy, busy. I have also taken to making sock puppets which is mucho fun and they turn out pretty adorable...or so I'm told. Something to do while we go through the umteen episodes of The Simpsons that we bought.
Actually right now I'm not in the best of moods. We, well, my father-in-law, put down one of...
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Actually right now I'm not in the best of moods. We, well, my father-in-law, put down one of...
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Its been done thanx to Adobe Photoshop Elements 5.0...NEW ART UP!!! (and more to come) I suppose the next thing on my agenda is the purchasing of a new digital camera...dont you love when people borrow stuff and then just generally assume that its theirs once they have severed all ties with you?
NEVER AGAIN. i lose too much shit trying to be a good...
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NEVER AGAIN. i lose too much shit trying to be a good...
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hey lady, you guys still planning on taking a trip..you should still come to TO!!
i LOVE your art!
you say your a tattoo artist, ay?
well, i've been lookin for someone to add some design to my piece on my back
my guy in richmond just left and every1 else here is just a pretentious fuck that thinks they have talent jus cuz they have a needle in their hand ..::sigh::...
i would love to see more of your stuff!!!
~it's all so lovely~
you say your a tattoo artist, ay?
well, i've been lookin for someone to add some design to my piece on my back
my guy in richmond just left and every1 else here is just a pretentious fuck that thinks they have talent jus cuz they have a needle in their hand ..::sigh::...
i would love to see more of your stuff!!!
~it's all so lovely~

Damn, its been a while...i suppose an update is in order.
If my computer wasnt so frikkin slow i would go ahead and update my "about me" area seeing as how its no longer true. My black widow and 2 of the wolf spiders died. One escaped and i can only hope that if its still in the house its dead as well. 2 of...
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If my computer wasnt so frikkin slow i would go ahead and update my "about me" area seeing as how its no longer true. My black widow and 2 of the wolf spiders died. One escaped and i can only hope that if its still in the house its dead as well. 2 of...
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You break it you buy it! What ever happend to Shit Happens?
Did you ever finish that tattoo where you just had the outline done?
Did you ever finish that tattoo where you just had the outline done?
I just talked to Dan the other day. He's doing great. He just got a house and has been dating the same girl for a while now. I told him of all the crazy Eden follies from the past couple of years, he's concerned and he misses you. You should call him some day.
the re-doing of the hair has taken place. i have it to my chin now and cut by myself. it is only blonde in the front and the back is a deep red. i like it but i think i will stop dying it for just a bit. i had a dream last night that i was balding and it was all just a comb-over...creepy!...
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I don't get it.
hooray! new pets!
we are up to 16 now. 6 wolf spiders, 1 black widow, 1 i-dont-know-what-the-fuck-but-its-ugly-and-mean-spider, 2 rats, 1 lop bunny (Mr. Arthur Dent), 2 dogs (an australian sheep hearding dog and a pug/jack mix), 3 cats (one of which has only 3 legs), and a large stripe knee tarantula...well, i guess i should make it 19 if i count my husband, his dad,...
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we are up to 16 now. 6 wolf spiders, 1 black widow, 1 i-dont-know-what-the-fuck-but-its-ugly-and-mean-spider, 2 rats, 1 lop bunny (Mr. Arthur Dent), 2 dogs (an australian sheep hearding dog and a pug/jack mix), 3 cats (one of which has only 3 legs), and a large stripe knee tarantula...well, i guess i should make it 19 if i count my husband, his dad,...
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when things just happen around you there is never any expectation because trite is trite and reitteration is a bitch and there sometimes isnt anything you can do about it...sometimes you just dint want to do anything about it because you forgot how to care and just go with the flow. such is life. at least i'm half-way mobile now. i have my license but...
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I know I have had a few of those to... well I have two parents that never drink so they have forgoten what its like to be in a drunken stuppor.. I hope that u are doing better now.. ty for posting am really trying to keep the trhed going.. bye bye for now

Hey lady. Long time no talk. Just wanted to say hi, see how you and the mister, lil one, dog too, are up to and how things are going. Well take care and talk to ya soon. p.s. my bday is this Sunday, the 24th. Woohoo! 

go go go to tuckermax.com
read his short stories. they are great if you have that kind of sense of humor. i have his book and i wanted to post this on the boards but i think i may have gotten Xed for promoting another site....but it really is the *complimentary explicative*
read his short stories. they are great if you have that kind of sense of humor. i have his book and i wanted to post this on the boards but i think i may have gotten Xed for promoting another site....but it really is the *complimentary explicative*
its not like anyone reads this but we just got the ugliest dog in the world...a pure-bred jack and pug mix. it has the eyes, size, and tail of a pug but without the pushed in face. oh, and she, yes SHE, humps pillows...and pretty much whatever else she can get her paws on. she tried to hump our other female dog who is a...
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That is the perfect name....
Haha aw, cute stuff. I can't wait til the day I finally get my first dog, or pet for that matter! 

so, yes, i edited that last (well, second to last) to say that i have gotten martyrdom... i mean married...fruedian error. not that anyone reads this but things have been interesting in a good way. i love the life i am living...it's just new to me.

alright...if you havent read the blog i posted just before this one i suggest you read it first. basically i just uploaded a whole crap-load of new pics in both categories. updating is fun! whee!!!

Awesome. =) One of my first friends, woohoo! Haha well hi I'm Chris, just wanted to say hello and thanks. I'd love to chat if you're up for it so def hit me up. I'm sure you get asked a lot but where is Mineral located? I've prolly seen a sign for it or something. Man I'm so exhausted, ok sleep time, talk to ya later! Take care. - Chris