Today so far has been
...but things will get better. I'm going over evldedglr's tonight..she's so sweet
I sat out in the sun for 3 hours the other day and I'm still burnt as fuck. I was thinking about shooting another set this weekend, but I just might have to wait now...unless you really want to see a red and white spotted naked Edea
My mom finally got a new cam, so in a few min I actually get to see them... It's been since X-mas
I miss them so much, and I just can't afford to visit this summer, so this is as close as I'm going to get for a while. Oh well as least it's something right!? Alright well I'm off to see my family, hope everyone has a good one

Where do they live that you can't see them?
Hopefully something will come up that will allow you to see each other before next Xmas...