A little over a month ago I wrote a letter to my favorite heavy metal magazine about SG and it looks like they actually read it! http://suicidegirls.com/boards/The+Site/12752/
I feel like I've actually done some effective promotion, like my words are actually going to get people to check out the site. And that feels good!
Here's the letter I wrote:
I have been an avid reader of your magazine for awhile now, and in my opinion it is the most informative and well written metal mag out there (certainly leaps and bounds above any printed in the U.S.).
But, it is not out of praise that I write you this letter, but rather disappointment. For a magazine directed at the pierced & tattooed, dyed hair & dreadlocked community that is, for the most part what most metal fans are, I have always found it confusing and frustrating that your pages are consistently occupied by the same old cookie-cutter images of blond-haired, fake breasted pornstars. Is it the name recognition that these girls provide?
Personally, as both a consumer of the music and the culture that Revolver represents, I would be much more likely to pick up a copy if I saw a picture of a girl who better fits my demographic. I actually find myself spending more time looking at the pictures in the clothing ads then I ever do at the 'featured' girls.
On page 34 of the MAR/APR 03 issue I noticed the small blurb where the website BurningAngel.com was mentioned. A good start, but you are missing out on a far better site. Suicidegirls.com is loaded with 100 girls and over 11,000 images and counting not to mention a huge community of messageboards, journals, and groups. These girls aren't just models dressed for the part, they are the girls at the music store or at the coffee shop or at the concert. Oh, and I am one of them.
Thanks for your time. You run a very good magazine so please keep it up!
Edea Suicide
oooh! Autumn's set just went up!!!
I feel like I've actually done some effective promotion, like my words are actually going to get people to check out the site. And that feels good!
Here's the letter I wrote:
I have been an avid reader of your magazine for awhile now, and in my opinion it is the most informative and well written metal mag out there (certainly leaps and bounds above any printed in the U.S.).
But, it is not out of praise that I write you this letter, but rather disappointment. For a magazine directed at the pierced & tattooed, dyed hair & dreadlocked community that is, for the most part what most metal fans are, I have always found it confusing and frustrating that your pages are consistently occupied by the same old cookie-cutter images of blond-haired, fake breasted pornstars. Is it the name recognition that these girls provide?
Personally, as both a consumer of the music and the culture that Revolver represents, I would be much more likely to pick up a copy if I saw a picture of a girl who better fits my demographic. I actually find myself spending more time looking at the pictures in the clothing ads then I ever do at the 'featured' girls.
On page 34 of the MAR/APR 03 issue I noticed the small blurb where the website BurningAngel.com was mentioned. A good start, but you are missing out on a far better site. Suicidegirls.com is loaded with 100 girls and over 11,000 images and counting not to mention a huge community of messageboards, journals, and groups. These girls aren't just models dressed for the part, they are the girls at the music store or at the coffee shop or at the concert. Oh, and I am one of them.
Thanks for your time. You run a very good magazine so please keep it up!
Edea Suicide
oooh! Autumn's set just went up!!!

song for saint patty's day enjoy http://www.whatarerecords.com/oldpub/
also... 3 days!