A short while ago we were driving down a dark lightless country road with open fields on either side on our way back from family's house. Suddenly, up ahead we could see a bunch of deer off to the side of the road. Not an uncommon sight on a cool December night in NewJersey. We hit the brakes as to not have one of these poor animals run into us. The deer then began to cross but these particular deer seemed different, as if they were gliding a good foot and a half off the ground. Then, from out of nowhere, there was Santa, sleigh full of presents and all. We were so fixated on the deer we hadn't noticed the reigns coming from the deer and completely missed the sleigh. Then before either of us could let out a "HolyShit!", they continued across the road and out into the field, appearing to gain altitude as they went. Maybe there was a hill or something I don't know, but they sure looked like they were flying!
We sat there for a few minutes until another car came up behind us and then we hightailed it outta there.
The biggest myth ever told is that Santa DOESN'T exist. He does and I saw him. At least that's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

Merry Christmas Fuckers!!!

well howdy neighbor.
actually... i live in chicago most of the year now for school, but i'm home for break- being bored, staying up on the puter all night, umm.. and being bored.
Well, I hope you've had a fantabulous christmas and will continue to have a splendiferific new year!