Damn this cold weather, it's making my nipples hurt
Well more like the one nipple that is pierced, when it's cold out or i'm cold the dang thing is constantly hard then gets sore, constant hard nipples suck..look good but suck
Haha and to top that off I have a god damn zit in my armpit! Ewww how nasty am i?One of those ingrown ones or whatever...well it needs to go bye bye, edea doesn't want you here anymore.
Yes I am weird but I am buzzed, that is my excuse. And i'm not even done with my 1st wine cooler. Me = lightweight...well most of the time. Well yummy dinner is in the oven and I'm super excited chicken broccoile and cheese...yum!! >insert drool face here< Lemme tell you my cooking is amazing, well to me anyway.
Alright time to eat then smoke..repeat

Yes I am weird but I am buzzed, that is my excuse. And i'm not even done with my 1st wine cooler. Me = lightweight...well most of the time. Well yummy dinner is in the oven and I'm super excited chicken broccoile and cheese...yum!! >insert drool face here< Lemme tell you my cooking is amazing, well to me anyway.
Alright time to eat then smoke..repeat

p.s.-nothing is hotter than a naked chick with pot :-d