Let's play a little catch-up.
Found the hamster....DID NOT want to go back in her little jail cell....can't say I blame her though.
I started a job....in fast-food
I can't turn on my cam anymore....for some reason everytime I turn it on the entire computer takes a shit
On Friday I met a bunch of new SGers as well as some familiar faces in Boston....paleenchantress is such a fuckin' cutie!!!!
The next night Isobel, Trinity, CerealKiller, and SkydorkSamurai partied and spent the night....very very very cool crew they are. And I now have a crazy crush on the adorable Miss Isobel!!!
Still mighty low on the ganja front
Now I'm gonna go cook some chicken and mac-n-cheese and then try get caught up in SGLand
You're the one who is super cute.
god i am gonna miss you when i move as well.. but we will meet up!!! i will give you a call soon!