Stupid stupid me
I just ate a russell stover caramel egg and BAM instant toothache! No wonder I stay away from the yummy goodness that is chocolate. So I'm really excited..going back home to visit the family for a few days in 2 weeks...I could really use a mini-vacation, and it will also be really rad to see them. My little bro is getting so big and I think my mom told me he had pubes already
Damn kids grow up so fast. So the other night I discovered a tumor on my hedgehog yuffie
There is nothing I can really do but give her lots of love...poor little fatty. But she has lived a long happy life. And it doesn't seem to be bothering her yet...or that I know of. I took her out last night for awhile and the damn shit pooped on me...shes lucky I love her so much
Speaking of...I'm gunna go check on the cutie.
Peace out 4 now

I just ate a russell stover caramel egg and BAM instant toothache! No wonder I stay away from the yummy goodness that is chocolate. So I'm really excited..going back home to visit the family for a few days in 2 weeks...I could really use a mini-vacation, and it will also be really rad to see them. My little bro is getting so big and I think my mom told me he had pubes already

Speaking of...I'm gunna go check on the cutie.
Peace out 4 now

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