So I've been on SG since 2009 or 10 and when I first joined this place was amazingly active. Today, the groups are bare and minus the updated content in the various groups such as titties and ass, rarely do others update.
Recently I joined Penpals group which has a great idea of physically hand writing people in the group which span across US and Canada right now (hopefully globally soon) but the problem is... we have 9 members. 9 members out of a site that has 1000's. Now I know the point of this site is to promote beauty of alternate women and to feast our eyes with the delectable onslaught of pictures posted by these gorgeous ladies but is it to much to ask to just get people more active, so we can socialize and connect among like minded individuals.
We all pay our monthly or yearly subcriptions for a reason, and besides my daily feed of gorgeous bodies, I wanted to connect to people from different parts of the globe that we share some similar interest, but the thing is, that's not happening.
Anyways end of rant.... join penpals group and socialize. Hell join any group and be active.