in how low the activity is getting on this site. I been checking for group and msg board updates that seem to becoming fewer and far between. Back in 2010 when I joined this site, I met a few good people that Im still friends with today, but since then I havn't seem to have met anyone. Lots of really cool people on here, and I do come back everyday to check the set of the day, but the communication and social aspect of this is declining incredibly. They got rid of SG chat which was a good way to meet people and the boards arent a very good replacement for it... Anyways end rant. Maybe I should not renew this year
There is a lot of girls and boys here sharing their lifes, achievements and problems. Sometimes they only need someone to listen (read) and I like to be part of this community doing this.
Yea I can agree with that, I got a few donations when my dog was really sick to help out. Some good people on here