Flew up to new brunswick today to start training some.new troops, met one at the aiport on way up and he told me hes sick of doing courses already. This is after I told him im staff. Who the.fuck tells their staff that they are sick of doing courses already, just got to hope hes not in my section.
Realizing its hars to make friends on.this site if your a guy, that.being said I have made some cool frienda in chat lately, mary, cherry, and of course kelly.
If anyone wants to drop me a msg go for it, but if you add me as a friend withoit so much as a hi, I will decline
Realizing its hars to make friends on.this site if your a guy, that.being said I have made some cool frienda in chat lately, mary, cherry, and of course kelly.
If anyone wants to drop me a msg go for it, but if you add me as a friend withoit so much as a hi, I will decline

thanks for the warm welcome!!