Great party last night! Too bad the police had to break it up haha....the beats were getting just right. Hey there is always pizza, beer and video games tonight!!! That has to be one of my all time favorites.
Also i might go get a pier1 card today which means furniture shopping! I love sprucing up my apartment, its a good feeling to walk into... Read More
I am feeling much better this bright and windy morning! I hope all of you had a great Labor Day weekend as I did with BBQ's, smoking, bike rides and many other adventures!
Im thinking of taking the train today so Sante Fe. I would love to walk around the city and maybe stop for some drinks ^_^ I love days off. <3
So i spiced things up a bit...i felt like going back to a dark color. I wanted a nice dark brown so i bought two boxes of dye. I'm not used to having such long hair it wasnt enough! I ended up leaving the dye in too long while i had to go back to the store to get more dye hahaha It still turned... Read More