Fresh snow... Everywhere. So i did what i do best, i called in sick. I Started "George" (My favorite landcruiser) loaded a sack lunch, Abu, a few cd's, a couple of blankets and drove to the mountains.
The snow was deep... YAY! deep powder. At times above good old George's grill. Sometimes above the hood of the old truck but George never complained. Driving head first into hills of powder. I had Johnny Cash, Rolling Stones, Dylan and my dog to keep me company. It was an old music day with an old dog who has been with me so long i don't remember living without him.
My dog loves George. So many times i have told Abu it's time to go and he runs right to George only to find that i am going in another car. So many fun things have happened in George. So many things far from people that hurt, far from work, far from smiling faces that leave without traces.
Oh, yes i could get stuck... Deep in the mountains. If my winch died i would be pretty fucked. However, George has never let me down. Many times he has come home limping and beaten. Coughing wheezing and begging for a repair but he always brings me home.
First ones up the mountain after the new snow. Standing in shin deep snow looking over the ranges that pass before me and Utah. Abu doing whatever he does with just the top of his head and tail above the snow. From a few feet away it looks like the snow is wagging a little tail. Sometimes it is a good life.
A side note. Abu has to hop to get around if the snow is more then 6" deep. He looks like big orange rabbit appearing then disappearing only to reappear with a mound of snow on his head.
Fresh snow... Everywhere. So i did what i do best, i called in sick. I Started "George" (My favorite landcruiser) loaded a sack lunch, Abu, a few cd's, a couple of blankets and drove to the mountains.
The snow was deep... YAY! deep powder. At times above good old George's grill. Sometimes above the hood of the old truck but George never complained. Driving head first into hills of powder. I had Johnny Cash, Rolling Stones, Dylan and my dog to keep me company. It was an old music day with an old dog who has been with me so long i don't remember living without him.
My dog loves George. So many times i have told Abu it's time to go and he runs right to George only to find that i am going in another car. So many fun things have happened in George. So many things far from people that hurt, far from work, far from smiling faces that leave without traces.
Oh, yes i could get stuck... Deep in the mountains. If my winch died i would be pretty fucked. However, George has never let me down. Many times he has come home limping and beaten. Coughing wheezing and begging for a repair but he always brings me home.
First ones up the mountain after the new snow. Standing in shin deep snow looking over the ranges that pass before me and Utah. Abu doing whatever he does with just the top of his head and tail above the snow. From a few feet away it looks like the snow is wagging a little tail. Sometimes it is a good life.
A side note. Abu has to hop to get around if the snow is more then 6" deep. He looks like big orange rabbit appearing then disappearing only to reappear with a mound of snow on his head.
BTW-I need your addy to send a card sweetie. You can send it through SG contact if you like.

Sorry to hear you're leaving SG. I will miss you bunny.