Why i love my dog:
1. He only sings when i am singing and we are alone in the car. He is soooo cute when he sings. He has favorite songs he likes to sing, but will not sing at all if someone else is in the car. Kinda like my own talking frog, but cute.
2. He rests his paw on my leg sometimes while i drive.
3. He never complains about me driving to fast or singing too loud.
4. During meals if i am home he will only eat a little food and hide the rest so he can hang out with me.
5. He shared his food today with a mouse. He got pissed when the mouse came back for seconds.
6. He will go to anyone for attention, but he won't stay if i leave. He has to go with me.
7. He gets sleepy if he has been up more than 20 minutes.
8. My dog does special meal dance when i pick up his dog bowl. He jumps in the air and spins and prances around my feet.
9. My dog will defend me to the death. He once tried to attack a mountain lion that got to close to us. He did attack a cow once and chased it off. He will attack people who threaten me even in jest. No one messes with me without the full wrath of abu.
10. He will not wake me no matter how bad he has to pee. He just holds it and lets me sleep.
1. He only sings when i am singing and we are alone in the car. He is soooo cute when he sings. He has favorite songs he likes to sing, but will not sing at all if someone else is in the car. Kinda like my own talking frog, but cute.
2. He rests his paw on my leg sometimes while i drive.
3. He never complains about me driving to fast or singing too loud.
4. During meals if i am home he will only eat a little food and hide the rest so he can hang out with me.
5. He shared his food today with a mouse. He got pissed when the mouse came back for seconds.
6. He will go to anyone for attention, but he won't stay if i leave. He has to go with me.
7. He gets sleepy if he has been up more than 20 minutes.
8. My dog does special meal dance when i pick up his dog bowl. He jumps in the air and spins and prances around my feet.
9. My dog will defend me to the death. He once tried to attack a mountain lion that got to close to us. He did attack a cow once and chased it off. He will attack people who threaten me even in jest. No one messes with me without the full wrath of abu.
10. He will not wake me no matter how bad he has to pee. He just holds it and lets me sleep.
Awww you're doggie sounds like a sweetie. Mine is too. He loves to give me hugs(he jumps up and rests his head on my chest), he talks to me ( I swear sometimes it sounds like actual words), he smiles and winks at me, He will love anyone with food, but if you're an empty handed stranger, don't come in his yard. He's a big sissy, he gets his ass beat daily by a 10 year old weiner dog named Angel. I love the little fucker! 

dogs are rad. much better than most people, if you ask me. they are all about love and butt-sniffin!