Back to some form of civilization - decent internet access. It may still be dialup, but at least it doesn't take half an hour to load Google.

Ah, Boston, what a strange place. I can never decide if it's a whole bunch of small towns glommed together, or a city. I've tried calling it a suburban city in the past, but that doesn't work -...
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Okay, i just watched Elf, and it made me tear up at the end. Either i'm exhausted and have no emotional defenses left, or i'm a total sap. Fine by me in both cases. Needless to say, i think movies aimed at kids are way too emotionally manipulative, especially when the really cute girl ends up with the main character in a very happy, romantic...
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god, you remind me so much of my ex. i guess its your whole attitude and the way you make others see the world. and thats a huge compliment. it was just something i needed to get off my chest. it wasnt anything new, but it felt better putting it out there. its a movie night over here too. i rented the machinist and 16 years of alcohol. i started watching one but the boy fromt he other night called and might be coming over to join me on the machinist. hes got 30 minutes before i say fuck it and start it myself. biggrin
The hearing a speech in Parliament, drawled or stammered out by the Honourable Member or the Noble Lord, the ringing the changes on their common-places, which any one could repeat after them as well as they, stirs me not a jot, shakes not my good opinion of myself: but seeing the Indian Juggler does. It makes me ashamed of myself. I ask what there is...
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nice pic. but whats that mess behind you??
doggy woke me up a 2:30 to let me know she had weed on the carpet instead of her wee pad. thanks, doggy, i wanted to know that. i didn't want to sleep, it's okay.
i fell asleep watching tv and now i dont want to go into my bed cause the cats are there sleeping and they are never on there together and i dont want to bother them. oh, the dilema.
I dropped off my 38 rolls of slides to be developed - very satisfying. 38 rolls in 2.5 weeks, every one chock full of sexy churches. Church asses, church faces, close-ups, sexy lighting, mood accents, there's a bit of everything. It's all about smooth lines, soft curves, the occaissional jagged bit to keep your attention riveted to every detail. That's the great thing about medieval...
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is it wrong that i watched the second half of Grand Theft Parsons, and actually thought it was moving? Am i a bad person for thinking that Johnny Knoxville is a decent actor? I need to watch better movies.
slept but can sleep no longer

was exhausted and still am
i just woke up to pee. back to sleep for me
Back in NYC.

Well, a day of traveling wasn't too painful a punishment for missing my fucking flight. It actually was pretty easy, if long. Wait at the Amsterdam airport until 2, fly to Boston, wait for fucking ever for my luggage to come up in Logan, take a fucking cab from Logan to South Station because i couldn't find the motherfucking Silver Line, Greyhound...
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It's official - i'm a fucking moron. Instead of intelligently, carefully reading my flight confirmation sheet last night, i gave it a cursory glance to check my flight time. I see 11:55 and like it, so it makes sense to me that it's my departure time. However, a much more careful reading, which i performed at 9:45 on the train to the airport, reveals that...
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i cant believe you are coming home already. didnt even cross my mind that at some point you would. im warning you i took ambien a few hours ago so i might not remember this. its amazing how the mind plays tricksw on us. when i look at things, patches keep moving. when i move my hands, i see trails. and yeah, that lennon song is amazing. the music itself is the perfect description of what insomnia feels like. ok, i going to play with my 15 hands then gfo back to sleep.
im goign to my parents house till tuesday. let me know when you get into the city. its about fucking time we hang out wink
Things that make life worth living:

I went to the New Church in Amsterdam this afternoon, the big gothic church on the Dam square in the middle of town. As usual, there was a massive crowd in the square, watching the buskers doing their mime things and dancing, etc. To my great surprise, there was a little 8-10 year old kid standing just outside the...
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