Okay, i just watched Elf, and it made me tear up at the end. Either i'm exhausted and have no emotional defenses left, or i'm a total sap. Fine by me in both cases. Needless to say, i think movies aimed at kids are way too emotionally manipulative, especially when the really cute girl ends up with the main character in a very happy, romantic ending. Sick and wrong, people, sick and wrong. I feel used and twisted, played like Harpo Marx on a harp. Damn you Jon Favreau and your silly, sell-out, non-independent filmmaking. Now i'm totally depressed and lonely - a good time to go watch another depressing movie about lost love, maye I Notti Bianchi. sad, sad, sad world.
god, you remind me so much of my ex. i guess its your whole attitude and the way you make others see the world. and thats a huge compliment. it was just something i needed to get off my chest. it wasnt anything new, but it felt better putting it out there. its a movie night over here too. i rented the machinist and 16 years of alcohol. i started watching one but the boy fromt he other night called and might be coming over to join me on the machinist. hes got 30 minutes before i say fuck it and start it myself.