It's official - i'm a fucking moron. Instead of intelligently, carefully reading my flight confirmation sheet last night, i gave it a cursory glance to check my flight time. I see 11:55 and like it, so it makes sense to me that it's my departure time. However, a much more careful reading, which i performed at 9:45 on the train to the airport, reveals that 11:55 is in fact that flight's arrival time in Newark. Happy day. However, being on a train at 9:45 does nothing for a flight that in reality, and not the reality i was living in last night, departed at 9:30. First time in my life i've ever missed a flight, a train, a bus, any time of departure. I blame it on being travel weary after 3 weeks of constant movement in 2 countries. Or, i'm just an ass, which seems more likely at this point. Things lost I would love to have back: reading that fucking sheet last night, so i would be getting into NYC around noon instead of 10 tonight. Now i have to fly to Boston, and then take a bus from boston to NYC. Could be worse, and at least i don't have to pay for another hotel, but fuck me.
i cant believe you are coming home already. didnt even cross my mind that at some point you would. im warning you i took ambien a few hours ago so i might not remember this. its amazing how the mind plays tricksw on us. when i look at things, patches keep moving. when i move my hands, i see trails. and yeah, that lennon song is amazing. the music itself is the perfect description of what insomnia feels like. ok, i going to play with my 15 hands then gfo back to sleep.
im goign to my parents house till tuesday. let me know when you get into the city. its about fucking time we hang out